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Monday, April 16, 2007

Hillary and Osama and Ted and Saddam

A U.S. Marine squad was marching north of
Faluijiah when they came
upon an Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side
of the road was an American Marine in a similar but less
serious state.
The Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was
given to both men, the squad leader asked the injured Marine what had happened.
The Marine reported, "I was heavily armed and moving north along the
highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent". We saw
each other and both took cover in the ditches along the
road. He wouldn't show himself so I could get a shot off, so I yelled to him
that Saddam Hussein is a miserable, lowlife scumbag, and he yelled back
that Ted Kennedy is a good-for-nothing, fat, left wing liberal drunk".
"So I yelled back that Osama Bin Laden dresses and acts like a frigid,
mean- spirited lesbian!
He retaliated by yelling, "Oh yeah? Well, so does Hillary Clinton".
And, there we were, in the middle of the road shaking hands, when a
truck ran over us.

Hillary buttons and much more here

Lots of Ted Kennedy stuff too !!!

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