Death Toll Rises To 33 Dead In Virginia Tech Shooting / Students Asking WTF To Security Concerns

Virginia Tech president says student was gunman in nation's deadliest shooting

Two students told NBC's “Today” show they were unaware of the dorm shooting when they walked into Norris Hall for a German class where the gunman later opened fire.
Derek O'Dell, his arm in a cast after being shot, described a shooter who fired away in “eerily silence” with “no specific target – just taking out anybody he could.”
After the gunman left the room, students could hear him shooting other people down the hall. O'Dell said he and other students barricaded the door so the shooter couldn't get back in – though he later tried.
“After he couldn't get the door open he tried shooting it open ... but the gunshots were blunted by the door,” O'Dell said.
Details of killer emerge

The gunman who killed 32 people at a Virginia university in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern US history was a student of Asian origin who may have acted with a second suspect, the university's president said today.
"It appears that the second shooter was a resident in our dormitory ... it appears he was an on-campus resident," the president of Virginia Tech University Charles Steger said in an interview on ABC television in the US.
THE QUESTION: Why did students go to class -- as if nothing happened?

A single question stands out from the massacre at Virginia Tech: Would more students be alive if the university in Blacksburg, Va., had not allowed them to go to class after a shooting had occurred in a campus dorm?
The nation's deadliest campus shooting rampage began at 7:15 a.m. in West Ambler Johnston, a coed dormitory, where police found two people fatally shot. But the first e-mail message to students from the Virginia Tech administration did not go out until more than two hours later, at 9:26 a.m., stating that a shooting had occurred but with no mention of staying indoors or staying off-campus or canceling classes.
School Shootings Map and Descriptions from 1996 to 2006
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