Lori Drew Indicted in MySpace Suicide Hoax

A federal indictment accuses Lori Drew, 49, of O'Fallon, Missouri, of using a MySpace account to pose as a 16-year-old boy and feign romantic interest in the girl.
The girl, Megan Meier, committed suicide after her online love interest spurned her, according to prosecutors, telling her the world would be a better place without her.
Drew faces up to 20 years in prison on charges of conspiracy and accessing protected computers to obtain information to inflict emotional distress.
Radar's "Worst Person on the Internet" Finally Indicted

Bad news for Lori Drew, aka Radar's "Worst Person on the Internet," aka the Missouri mother who used a fake MySpace account to cyber-bully a teenage girl into hanging herself because the poor kid thought she was corresponding with an older guy crush old and not a sick, twisted adult: she's been indicted by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on three charges of fraud and on count of conspiracy.
A Missouri woman was indicted [May 15] on federal charges for fraudulently using an account on the social networking website MySpace.com to pose as a teenage boy who feigned romantic interest in a 13 year-old girl. That girl later committed suicide after the “boy” spurned her and told her, among other things, that the world would be a better place without her.
The proceeding lasted only a few minutes. Drew and her lawyer declined to comment to reporters waiting outside the courtroom.
Technorati Tags:lori drew, megan meier, cyber bully, myspace.com, suicide, teen suicide, cyber-bullying, ashley grills.tina meier
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