Penn and Teller On The Drug War / Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is A Facist Pig
This three part series is from the show "Penn and Teller Bullshit" show. It is a no bullshit look at the so called "War On Drugs" in the United States and shows what a failure it is. Pay close attention to that asshole Joe Arpaio and what his idea of a free America would be if he had his way. Sounds like a facist pig if you ask me but I ask you all to watch all three parts and make your own minds up... BJCJon's Jail Journal
Tent City - Arpaio’s shameful creation
Guest editorial by Pearl M. Wilson, co-founder, Mothers Against Arpaio (MAA)
Sonoran News 25 Aug 05
Letter to Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
I would like to bring to your attention a problem in Maricopa County; one that I believe you are already familiar with. The problem is Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his greatest source of nationwide publicity, the infamous Tent City.
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This guy is #1 on my list of Whats wrong with this country today.Nazi,Racist, Facist Pig "Joe Arpaio"...

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