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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Fox News Blooper - Shepard Smith

Fox News Channel anchor Shepard Smith was arrested by Florida police in November 2000 and charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle after arguing with another reporter over a parking space (both were covering the Bush-Gore Florida vote debacle).

The Smoking Gun

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith outed; will people of note ever willingly come out?

Smith once chatted me up in a New York City gay piano bar, bought me drinks, and invited me back to his place. When I declined, he asked me to dinner the next night, another invitation I politely refused. We sat at the bar chatting and drinking martinis until 3 a.m., our conversation interrupted only when he paused to belt out the lyrics to whatever showtune was being performed.

-- Washington Blade Managing Editor Kevin Naff, on getting hit on by showtune aficionado Shepard Smith

Media Witnesses Describe McVeigh Execution

Thank you. SHEPARD SMITH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: I'm Shepard Smith from Fox News Channel. We were taken in as a group.

QUESTION: Spell it, please.

SMITH: S-h-e-p-a-r-d Smith, the Fox News Channel.

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