"Bully" - Marty Puccio And His Merry Band Of Misfits

Here is some of the information that I was able to find...
The Free Marty Puccio Yahoo Group
Hello and Welcome . You have the reached the Marty Puccio message board .
This board is for people who would like to learn more about Marty Puccio and perhaps help out . I expect everyone to have respect and be civilized to each other . I welcome private emails also and encourage anyone who has a negative outlook on Marty ,to please educate themselves before forming an opinion. If after reading the posts you have more questions, feel free to contact me . A defense fund has been set up for Marty so anyone wishing to contribute can email me for the address and information. Thank you .
This movie and the book upon which it is based, are not based on court testimony or any personal account. It is a fiction loosely based on an event which occurred. The Producers have no legal right to call this a true story, or to use the actual names of the individuals involved. There is not a single footnote, reference of quotation mark in this book.
Help Donald Semenec
Hi. I created this group to help Donald Semenec. For thise of you who dont know him he was invloved in the Bobby Kent murder. I got tired of seeing webpages and groups for all of the other people invoved in the case and not him. In my opinion he is the one who needs the most help.
AlisHusband · Alis Husband
I am married to ali willis-chapman that was involved in a 1993 murder. A friend of hers Persuaded 6 others to kill a bully. I just want to know if anyone wants to see what its like to be married to her.... THE REAL ALI!
Note; I signed-up to join the group with an interest in seeing if Ali would have any interest in writing a post here on Wakado but have not heard anything so far.
I would be happy to post her statement as is and without any editing whatsoever.
Hopefully she or her husband will return my request to at least join the group.
There is a huge interest in this subject and this site gets alot of traffic looking for the information I have here... BJC123

Bobby Kent and Martin Puccio Jr. grew up together, went to school together, lifted weights together , they were best friends , who did everything togther, even worked the same job after school, and to many of the neighbours in the middle class suburb where they lived , they were reffered to as the siamese twins , as they almost seemed joined at the hip. At one point , they almost drifted apart , but came together again at high school, and joined up where they had left off ,it seeme as if nothing could ever seperate the two friends.
Bobby Kent - Wikipedia

Bobby Kent
Bobby Kent was by many accounts, a popular athletic boy. He earned a decent grade point average in school and played sports. Bobby was charming to those around him and naturally attracted attention. His parents, Fred and Farah Kent had high aspirations for him. Fred was self-employed as a stockbroker, and believed that the true American Dream was for one to be their own master; something he wanted for his son and had plans to set Bobby up running his own business once he graduated from college. Bobby, who was an avid car stereo enthusiast and had his own vehicle sound system that was worth several thousand dollars, had told his father that was the type of business he would like to get into.
The Free Marty Puccio Petition at ipetitions
We, the undersigned, believe that Marty Puccio is in full deservance of a clemency hearing, pardon or new trial. We believe that Marty is not a threat to society and that is beneficial for all concerned if we were released from prison.
This is being sent to various lawmakers in Florida.
The Free Donald Semenec Petition At ipetitions
Donald Semenec was given a life sentencestruck for his involvement in the murder of supposed gang leader Bobby Kent. Semenec who has been incarcerated since 1993 was never proven to have a motive. The supposed ringleader of the murder, one of Semenec's co-defendants was given a life sentence, however it was later reduced. This said ringleader has since been released and is leading a normal life, one filled with freedom and empathy. Semenec is currently serving a life sentence along with Marty Puccio and Derek Kaufman. Puccio, the best friend of Bobby Kent dealt the fatal blow which inevitably killed him. Derek Kaufman was a supposed "hitman" hired to aid the inexperienced group of kids in the murder. How is it that Semenec can be serving the same sentence as these two men. In my opinion justice has yet to be served in this case. Donald Semenec deserves a new trial.
The hopes of this petition is to gain 200 signatures. Once and if this happens this petition will be sent to the Florida Law Makers.
Court Documents for Martin Puccio appeal on FindLaw
We have on appeal the judgment and sentence of the trial court imposing the death penalty on Martin Puccio. We have jurisdiction. Art. V, § 3(b)(1), Fla. Const.
Martin Puccio and Bobby Kent had known each other since third grade, had lived on the same block in Broward County since that time, and were good friends as adults. Bad blood, however, existed between the two. Puccio felt "ill-will and hatred" towards Kent because Kent would bully and pummel him. For a few weeks prior to the murder, Kent dated Alice Willis, best friend of Puccio’s girlfriend, Lisa Connelly, and when Willis moved back with her parents in Palm Bay, Florida, Kent said he was going to murder her and smother her baby unless she returned to Broward County to date him. Willis returned and she and Connelly concocted a plan to kill Kent. The women obtained a gun and lured Kent to a rock pit in west Broward but backed out at the last minute. Later that night, Kent and Willis were seen holding hands but then, according to Willis, Kent raped her at her house. The next day, July 15, 1993, a wider circle of friends conspired to kill Kent and again lured him to the rock pit. The following were present: Alice Willis, Donald Semenec, Heather Swallers, Lisa Connelly, Martin Puccio, Derek Dzvirko, and Derek Kaufman. While Willis and Swallers distracted Kent, Semenec stabbed him from behind. Puccio then stabbed him in the abdomen, and when Kent tried to flee, Semenec, Kaufman, and Puccio tackled him and stabbed and beat him. Kaufman delivered the final blow with a weighted baseball bat, and he and Puccio threw the body into a canal.
Appeal in PDF Format
Messages from Death Row Inmates
I preach love, I'm called erratic,
I preach Christ, I'm called a fanatic
I preach peace, I'm called a sinner
I belong to God, so I'm a winner
Martin Puccio
The Bobby Kent Saga
It is perhaps ironic that Lisa Marie Connelly occasionally picks up her mail at an antique store in Sebring, Fla., called Pieces of the Past.
Almost 14 years ago, Connelly and six other of her friends and acquaintances -- including boyfriend Marty Puccio -- faced prison sentences for the murder of Puccio's best friend, a 20-year-old bully named Bobby Kent.
The reason for a band of suburban kids to commit an act of murder on a whim?
It's the same reason the punk band The Ramones explained why kids sniff glue -- they just wanted something to do.
Connelly, now 32, may be living in the Sebring area.
''I rented an apartment to her, but she left last year,'' said landlord James Lyons, who said he drops off Connelly's mail at the store in Sebring. ``I don't really know her.''
Larry Clark's Bully Brings Brutal Florida Killing To The Screen
Even by South Florida standards, the murder of Bobby Kent was a stunner. The sheer rage behind the crime seemed inordinate, monstrous. And it posed a troubling, unanswerable question: How could outwardly normal kids descend so far into madness without anyone noticing?
On the night of July 14, 1993, Kent, 20, was bludgeoned and stabbed to death at a secluded Weston rock pit by seven acquaintances - one of them Marty Puccio, 19, his best friend since third grade.
Dallas journalist Jim Schutze told the story in a nonfiction book, Bully: A True Story of High School Revenge, a lurid tale of jealousy, abuse and deadly alienation. Naturally, it caught Hollywood's attention. But the grimness of the story, combined with an alarming rise in teenage violence, made it look like "Bully" would never see the screen.
Bijou opens up in BULLY
Bijou Phillips is furious at Bully director Larry Clark for secretly including shots of her genitals in his controversial new film. The outspoken 21-year-old only discovered Clark had included the explicit footage, which Phillips claims she was not party to, when she saw the film's premiere. Phillips, who dates musician Sean Lennon, rants, "I see the movie for the first time, and I'm like, 'You fucking pricks!' I'm sitting there at the premiere, and I'm like, 'Whyyyyy?' I had no idea. Because the camera only has to go like this," she says as she slightly tilts her hand, "to look at my pussy, so how am I supposed to know? Fucking pricks!" The affair echoes that of Sharon Stone, who claimed Basic Instinct director Paul Verhoeven tricked her into baring her genitals in the notorious 'leg-crossing' scene in the 1990 film. Stone claimed the controversial film-maker had asked her to remove her white knickers because they were causing a reflection on film - and then used a shot of her private parts in the thriller, without her permission.
Have I gone too far? Writing to a convicted murderer...
For anyone who has seen Bully, and also read the book, Im curious as to how you feel about the story itself. I recently wrote to Marty Puccio, and am in contact with people who are in contact with him. Have I taken this a little too far? Im kinda wondering now.....hmmm.... this man has my address....what now? Whatcha guys think. According to inside sources, I should be recieveing a letter back from him shortly.

Brad Renfro Dead At 25
Alice Willis

DC Number: 963026
Eye Color: HAZEL
Height: 5'05''
Weight: 108 lbs.
Birth Date: 08/29/1975
Supervision Begin Date: 09/16/2001
Current Location: SANFORD
Current Status: ACTIVE
Supervision Type: PROBATION FELONY
Scheduled Termination Date: 09/15/2041
Donald Semenec

DC Number: 963020
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BLUE
Height: 5'04''
Weight: 163 lbs.
Birth Date: 07/15/1975
Initial Receipt Date: 06/06/1995
Current Facility: COLUMBIA ANNEX
Current Classification Status: NOT APPLICABLE
Current Custody: CLOSE
Current Release Date: SENTENCED TO LIFE
Heather Swallers

DC Number: 162525
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BLUE
Height: 5'02''
Weight: 134 lbs.
Birth Date: 05/04/1975
Release Facility: LOWELL CI-WOMENS UNT
Custody: MINIMUM
Release Date: 02/14/1998
Lisa Connelly

DC Number: 963025
Eye Color: BROWN
Height: 5'03''
Weight: 166 lbs.
Birth Date: 07/31/1974
Release Facility: LOWELL CI
Release Date: 02/03/2004
Derek Kaufman

DC Number: 894391
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BLUE
Height: 6'03''
Weight: 240 lbs.
Birth Date: 05/08/1973
Initial Receipt Date: 06/14/1995
Current Facility: SOUTH BAY C.F.
Current Classification Status: NOT APPLICABLE
Current Custody: CLOSE
Current Release Date: SENTENCED TO LIFE
Derek Dzvirko

DC Number: 960096
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: GREEN
Height: 6'00''
Weight: 237 lbs.
Birth Date: 11/02/1973
Release Facility: POMPANO BCH W.R.C.
Custody: MINIMUM
Release Date: 10/01/1999
Dzvirko's Myspace Page
Bobby Kent case Q & A forum
OK i am gona try something new. I get tons of mail about what happened. so i am gonna make this a public forum and let you guys and gals ask questions. i figure this will be easier than answering the same questions all the time. i will answer the best i can. this did happen almost 16 years ago , so some things may be a little fuzzy. so plz read and see what was asked , you probably have the same quwstions as a lot of other people.
Marty Puccio

DC Number: 963022
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Height: 6'00''
Weight: 188 lbs.
Birth Date: 03/01/1973
Initial Receipt Date: 08/03/1995
Current Facility: DESOTO ANNEX
Current Classification Status: NOT APPLICABLE
Current Custody: CLOSE
Current Release Date: SENTENCED TO LIFE
Young Murderers
JOIN THE "Bully" - Marty Puccio And His Merry Band Of Misfits Message Board
Comments Page 2
Technorati Tags:alice willis, bijou phillips, bobby kent, brad renfro, bully, derek dzvirko, derek kaufman, donald semenec, heather swallers, larry clark, lisa connelly, lisa connely, marty puccio, rachael miner
Technorati Tags:alice willis, bobby kent, brad renfro, bully, derek dzvirko, derek kaufman, donald semenec, heather swallers, jessica sutta, larry clark, lisa connelly, lisa connely, marty puccio, rachael miner
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This is a horrifying, fascinating story.
While I cannot condone murder, having been severely bullied myself during my life both by an alcoholic mother and childhood bullies, I can say that I feel little to no mercy for Bobby Kent, and I do not believe that Marty Puccio belongs in jail.
Marty's family maintains that Bobby Kent actually sexually molested Marty and forced him into gay sex with other partners. This has been verified in court documents, yet was never quite brought out during the trials. I wonder why?
Are we unwilling to confront the notion that some people simply deserve to die for the things that they do?
Funny how the State of Florida had no trouble telling Marty Puccio that he and his friends did not have the right to determine that for Bobby Kent, then turned around and determined that very thing for Marty.
Thanks for the post. Fascinating case. Good job.
Thank You for the visit and leaving a comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers so I can tell not only how I'm doing but also what people like to read most.
I to have been fascinated by this story since I first saw the movie about two or three years ago. I also caught the A&E story that they did on it just the other night. At first I wasn't sure just what to believe due to the way a movie can make so many changes that the true story gets lost in the making but I think "Bully" actually did do a pretty good job of keeping to the basic facts.
I to was the target of bullies when I was in school and I know real well how it feels to be treated like Marty was.Although I never went so far as to kill anyone because of it, I can admit to having the temptation of it at times when I was being treated the worst.
Again, Thanks for visiting and please stop by again and feel free to let me know how you think I'm doing either good or bad...
BJC !!!
Well i must admit that I just happen come across the movie "Bully" on either Showtime or HBO (can't remember which)the other night and even thought it was 1 in the morning and the movie wasn't over til like 3 I kept telling my self ok I have to go to sleep I couldn't make myself turn it off which made for a long next day having to get kids to school. I came across your site by doing a google search on Marty. I like to read up on things that have happened not only to figure out what is going on in that persons head but to see what other read are thinking about what that person or in this case persons have done. With that you have a very informative site and it was pleasure reading keep up the good work. For the record I was never bullied around but I can see how all the things going on in Marty's life at that time could push him over the edge and with Bobby Kent being the longest problem in his life would be naturally the first one to try and get rid of. Not that I condon or would kill someone for the same reason but I can see how being 19 and all you see is a kid on the way no real future because you think of yourself a s a failure and being bullied all the time too for no reason by someone that is suppose to be your friend. Yes there were other involed that had no reason to be but that just shows that everyone saw what was happening to Marty also. To that I call them true friends.
First I'd like to thank you for the kind words and compliment on my site.I do enjoy readers leaving a comment so I can judge how I'm doing since I'm certainly no pro at this.
I know what you mean about not being able to go to bed in the middle of this movie. It's riviting and draws you into the story so much so that it's tough to even get up for a bathroom break.
For some reason they always run "Bully" at late hours and thats when I first saw it was in the middle of the night. I think maybe thats what made it even creepier seeing it the first time like that.
Again, thank you for visiting and I hope sometime something else might catch your eye here...
I first read the book "Bully" back in High School and could not put it down... at first I was disgusted by what happened, until I saw the movie and read the book for the second time... I then put myself in Marty's position...... Though it was unfortunate what happened to Bobby Kent, I could only imagine how bad it was for Marty to be bullied and be beat on continuously by his so called "best friend".... I have been so interested in this story for years now, and have since saw the movie more then 3 times and read the book about 5 times... over and over again I side with the pain Marty had. But why is Marty being blame for the entire thing? It was Lisa who came up with killing Bobby, she organized the whole plot... yet she is now a free woman??? I don't agree with that. I feel she is just as guilty or more guilty then Marty.
I think Marty should be free as well... he has paid his debt to society and should be allowed to live his life just like Lisa as a "free" man.
I've seen the movie, read the book and currently write to Marty. I have no more insight to what really happened than any of you but, reading the court transcripts which is portrayed in both the book and the move, Donny Semenec dealt the first blow. Up until that second it was all still talk. I truly believe that at that point Marty was terrified for his life because as it has been proven, Bobby assaulted him for just about any reason, surely this would have been going through Marty's mind, "Oh shit, he's gonna blame me, I'm done for" Does this make sense to anyone else? The crap that Donny had no motive makes it more heinous, he did't even know this guy yet he was the first to swing a blade. From then it was a snowball of events. And to correct someone, it was not Marty, but Kaufman that used the bat to deal the "final blow" as he put it. Marty should be free, God Bless.
Thanks for the comments Monroe and Lyndee...
Although I have tried to remain mostly neutral on the subject of Marty and all the rest of the "gang" as far as guilt or innocence, I do hold one strong belief.
I feel the state of Florida made some wrong decisions as far as the sentences go; I feel they should have all received the same time behind bars. The reason I say that is because of the fact that they acted as a group in Bobby's murder. They all knew what was going to happen that night and anyone of them could have made the decision to not take part in the murder. It was a conspiracy to commit murder and they were all involved in that equally.
"Same Crime Same Time"
Anyway, that’s my own opinion on that part of the story and I'm sure there are many who disagree.
Thank you again for visiting and please keep the comments coming...
this is naveen from india,happened to watch BULLY the movie and i really think it was an outrageous act to come up with such a horrible decision,after marty should've considered the fact that he's bobbys best friend,should've tried corrective measures after they were best friends since 3rd grade i believe.this oughta be a lesson to many other bobbys or martys out there,should spread the message further make the kids aroud the world aware of wat could be the result of a few minutes of anger....deeply regret the sad demise of BOBBY KENT.
thats all i have to say,it was a real good job having this particular post ion your blog.it is a matter requiring serious consideration....should spread the mesaage further...
Hi, I'm from Honduras, I just saw the movie last night, it was a very shocking story, I've been searching on the web today since I knew the movie was based on a real story.
Wakado I think you've done a very interesting work in this site, here I've founded very interesting information about the case, I agree with you that all the kids deserved the same punishment, they were old enough to know what they were doing, I didn't agree with the first death sentence to Marty, I understand they changed and he has to be in jail all his life.
I would like to read the book...
It's a sad story for all those young kids with so much oportunities in their life, where were the parents??
Thank You Naveen and Marcela for your comments and for visiting. I've noticed that there are people from all over the world who come here to read about this story and that is quite amazing.
I'm happy I have had a small part in spreading the word about this story and pleased that you enjoyed the post...
Thanks Again
BJC123 !!!
i watch this movie last nyt bully
i went on the internet to find out more because its a compelin story. i didnt know who to think was the bad guy in the story its really messed up and when i realised its real i had to find out more. when i read the real story i would say bully did a really good job at keepin it true to life and i also think that the movie shows true light to bobby kent
i hope marty and donny get out of jail as even tho wat they did was wrong they were never helped as teenagers so the blame can be put on society today,
thanks 4 a great insight into the story
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.I'm happy I was able to help you to research the true story behind "Bully".
Hope you will find your way back sometime in the future as well...
Thanks Again
BJC !!!
Can anyone give an update on all that were invoved? I'd like to keep up with any developments. I'd also like to know if any of them can be contacted.
Hello T.R. BC...
I'm not sure what you mean by any updates. I have collected and posted everything here that pretty much brings things up to date as far as I know.
As for contacting any of them. I do know that people have contacted Marty and as far as I know he is more than willing to write back to anyone who writes him.But, from what I have read Marty doesn't like to or won't discuss the case so I'm not sure what you would have to talk about other than that.
Also, You will find the link to the Yahoo Group for Ali Willis and her husband here and if your lucky they will respond if you decide to join the group. I had no luck in getting any answer when I tried to join but maybe they don't like this post and just decided to ignore me.I was hoping to get Ali to come here to answer questions that people have or even to just post whatever she might want to say but I guess thats not going to happen.
Anyway, I hope I have helped you with your questions and feel free to come and ask anything at any time.
BJC !!!
How is Lisa Connelly and Ali Willis out of prison? I thought Lisa received a Life term and Ali received 40 years. Why did the females in this case get off easy compared to the guys?
One more question. In your opinion, who is the most responsible for the death of Bobby Kent and what would have been the most fair outcome? Since you are obviously on Marty's side, I'd like to know why you feel he is getting a bad wrap. I'm just really fascinated with this case and would like to know any facts that were not in the book or the film.
Thanks for your website.
Hi Illwc and thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.
First things first. I’m certainly not an expert on this case but rather I have a great interest in it just as allot of other people including yourself do. I just decided to collect all the information I could find and put it in one place for everyone else to read as well.
Secondly, I'm not actually on Marty's side per say. After all he is a murderer and he does deserve to pay for his crime.
That being said. I do think that Marty did get a much harsher sentence than the rest of the group for basically the same crime. That I do have a problem with but who am I to say really. I think that at the very least Marty, Donnie and Derek (Kaufman) should have all received the same sentence. After all they all three had a part in the actual killing of Bobby. Then there's Lisa who in fact dreamed the whole scheme up and put it all together. While she didn’t actually do any part of the killing she should of in fact gotten a MUCH harsher sentence than she did in the end.
Now we come to Ali, Heather and Derek (Dzvirko). While Ali did play a major part in the crime she did in fact at least contact the police and at least try to do some good in helping the police and Bobby's family know what happened to him. Maybe a little reduction in her sentence for the effort would be in order. Heather and Derek (Dzvirko) were basically pawns in the whole crime that did play a part but not to the extent that the others did. And also they worked with the prosecution in helping get the others convicted so they would naturally get off a little easier.
Now with all that in mind I feel that the state of Florida has a screwed-up justice system and this is hardly the first time I've seen this kind of thing happen there. They seem to have no set system for the way the lock people up down there. Maybe they need a little overhaul in the system they have in place.
I hope I have answered your questions and helped you understand what my feelings are. And after all they are just my opinions so maybe they don't mean much to anyone else but myself.
Thank you again for reading my posts and commenting. If you have any more questions feel free to post them and either I of someone else can answer them.
Have a nice day!!!
Site is very well constructed and informative. As a Law Enforcement Officer, I attempt to keep a non judgemental attitude towards people. This case, which I am not familiar with intrigued me. Good kids gone bad, or kids at their breaking point from a "bully." I am glad to see that although you tell a little of everyone involved, you didn't bash Bobby Kent for his alledged actions towards other kids. As I intend to study this case a little more, at the end of the movie, the caption read that Marty was sentenced to die by way of electric chair, but it states that he was sentenced to life on this site. Was his sentence commuted? Thank you for your time.
Hello CAS77 and thank you for your complements and taking the time to comment.
It's true that I have made a point of not really injecting my personal feelings into my post mainly because I don't feel it's my place to do so. Although I have spent many hours studying the story I still believe that I don't know enough to put any blame on Bobby Kent. I do believe that Bobby wasn't the nicest guy in the world but that’s certainly no reason to kill the guy. There seems to have been many other actions the group could have tried that they didn’t.
As to your question about Marty's sentence. It was reduced to Life without parole after he appealed his sentence. As you probably know Derek Kaufman and Donnie Semenec are also doing Life. The one thing that I have refrained from commenting on is the fact that no matter how many people sign those Free Marty and Free Donnie petitions there will never be any thing to come from them. Those three are doing Life and that’s that. They have no chance of getting out because of some online petitions.
Anyway, those are my feelings and I know not everyone feels the same way. Thanks again for stopping in and I hope you will drop in again sometime...
Also CAS77 I would really like to know what you have decided about the case after you have done your research considering you are a LEO !
Nice Blog on the subject.
I would like to let you and your readers know that Lisa and Marty's daughter is a wonderful girl. She is in her mid teens now. Very outgoing and social. They spend a lot of time together.
Thanks for the info on Marty and Lisa's daughter.Are you close to them?
I have heard/read that she is a pretty girl but have never seen a picture of her.The reason I don't have much on here about her is because I feel she is an innocent bystander in the whole story.
Anyway,thanks again for the complement on the site and taking the time to leave a comment...
BJC !!!
That is kind of you not to name her like other sites have.
She is a pretty girl. Her face bears a strong liking to the picture you have posted of her mother.
She has visited Mary btw. By chance he is incarcerated nearby.
Hi again Fido
As I said I believe that Marty and Lisa's daughter is completely innocent in the whole thing so I'm not going to post anything about her but the fact that she does exist.I would really hate myself if I posted anything about her that might hurt her feelings if she were to come here at some point.
Also,I hope you and everyone else who reads this post can see that I really don't put any of the people involved down or even really inject my opinion into what I post on the story.I prefer to stick to the facts of the story as best as I can and leave it to everyone to make-up thier own minds about what they think.
Thanks again for the information and please feel free to make any more comments that you want to.I'm always happy to hear what others think...
Curious as to what happened to the family of Bobby Kent, the living victims of this crime. These kids disgust me, I dont care how much of a bully Bobby Kent was, their actions are disgusting and their parents who "raised" them, who allowed these kids to run around with no responsibilities, are just as guilty and should have served time as well.
Hello Gigi
I am also interested in the Kent family and how they were able to get through the tragic killing of Bobby.
I have done numerous searches on the Kent family but have come up empty.Maybe someone will come here in time with some information but until then I'm afraid we'll never have an answer.
Thanks for sharing your opinions with us and feel free to comment again at any time...
I was wondering maybe the kids killed bobby because they were under the influence of drugs?
My friend tried to kill himself because he had been under cannabis for years. just a thought.
I also believe this film should be showed in schools. It is educational in my opinion - very deep and distrubring.
Thanks for your website
Hello NCTV...
Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.
You certainly have a good point about the drugs being an influence on the killing of Bobby. I’m sure they did cloud the judgment of those involved except maybe Derek Kaufman who I don't think was much of a drug user. Certainly Heather and Donny were pretty whacked-out on acid and weed and maybe other stuff as well.
However, I don't think they were the only reason why they did the crime. Alot of it had to do with Lisa's wish to get rid of Bobby so she could have Marty to herself and other reasons too.
At least that is what I have come to believe from my studying of the case. But of coarse that is only my opinion and I could be wrong.
Also, I'm sorry about your friend’s troubles and hope he/she is better now and able to cope with their problems without thoughts of suicide. That is never the answer and it only leaves loved ones hurting and wondering what they could have done to help.
Again, thanks for stopping in and also the complement...
Although I do not agree with murder I believe that people get what they sow. If you are a mean, sadistic prick like this guy bobby kent was its only a matter of time before karma comes around. It doesnt pay to be mean and it doesnt make sence to treat your friends like crap because you never know what your friends are plotting to do.
Hi Samantha...
I'm glad you brought the subject of karma up because I happen to believe in it myself.
I myself have seen it happen where some no good assholes have gotten whats coming to them and I always remember that when I run into one of those kind of people.
I think thats a big part of why I always try to treat people with respect.I do believe that you get out of life what you are willing to put into it.
Thanks for the comment...
Ive watched Bully several times, its a truly brilliant film. Ive also read the true stories, and its truly nauseating that Lisa Connelly is a free woman. At the very least, the murder was her idea, which makes her the originator of the conspiracy. This woman should hang her head in shame, but apparently she doesnt have the ability to feel that sort of responsibility for her reprehensible actions. She let the men do the dirty work for her, then she went around bragging about it, and then she let them take the legal fall while she skated out free and clear to live a life that she doesnt deserve.
Lisa Connelly, if you are reading this, I wish you the very worst of luck for the remainder of your pitiful existence, and I have no doubt that youll receive it. Payback is a bitch, and so are you.
Hello Subterranean Cinema...
I agree with you that the sentences that they all received was/is wrong. In a conspiracy to commit murder normally everyone involved is equally guilty whether he or she did the actual killing or not.
At least that’s the way I've always understood it to be.
Also, you bring up a good point. I wonder if Lisa Connelly has read this post and if so what she thinks of it. I do know that I have sent allot of traffic to Ali Willis and her husband's site but they ignored or refused my request to join the group they run. My main purpose in joining was to ask if they would consider being guest posters here at times to tell their stories or answer questions. Oh well...
Thanks for commenting.
Yes I agree that the sentences were excessive, I still cant figure out why Puccio was originally singled out for the death penalty (which was fortunately overturned). I think that he and the others (especially Don Semenec) should have some sort of light at the end of the tunnel to work for, especially since the females are all free, due only to the fact that they hid in the car while the boys did the actual murder, which was apparently the girls' idea in the first place.
I havent yet read the book (though I will as soon as I can track a copy down locally), and I realize that the movie took a certain amount of "creative license" with events (as those kinds of films almost always do for "dramatic effect"), but if the character of Lisa Connelly in the film is anything even similar to the real person and her actions leading up to the murder, then she should have been one of the last to be freed. The film portrays a young girl who isnt just drug addled, but truly evil minded and hell bent on carrying out the terrible deed.
Obviously the murder of Bobby Kent was morally wrong, and I dont think anyone will credibly try to argue that Kent "deserved" his horrific fate (even if, like me, they have a hard time feeling sympathy for him either). In the film, I think the director intentionally made the character physically smaller than Puccio, to emphasize that Kent had a psychological domination over the other boy, and while that is an interesting plot twist, its obvious from his pictures that the real Kent was a very large, physically intimidating man, and Puccio could not have beaten him in a "fair fight". That puts a different spin on why they "ganged up" on him.
But again, I agree with you totally that the sentences for the boys were unfair and disproportionate, and that they deserve another day in court. Id like to say thanks to you for creating this site and for your sincere efforts to bring justice in this very sad case.
Best wishes and good luck!
Hi SC.
Thank you for leaving such a nice comment. I have spent a few hours putting this together and I'm glad you found it worth reading through. I felt that if people who are really interested in the story had one place to go to read all the material on the case they could understand what really happened according to the facts that are out there to find. I did hours of searching to put it all together so I'm happy if it is helpful.
I agree with most if not all of what you have had to say here and I think that may be because we have both taken the time to really try to understand what happened and look deeper than just the movie version of the story.
Some people would probably say I'm obsessed with this story and maybe I am to a point but it just hit me hard from the first time I heard about it and saw the movie. I can't explain it myself really.
Anyway, it's been a pleasure reading your opinions and I hope you will stop in again and post anything that’s on your mind. Also if you should find any information that I don't have here I would be happy to hear it and add it to the post...
Best wishes to you!
To: "The_Real_BC"
Yes - You may "Contact" any Inmate in State Prison via mail.
Florida has an excellent Website for their Department of Corrections.
Florida provides lots of Info:
~ Current Photo of Inmate (Color)
~ Prison Location Inmate is Currently Housed
~ Mailing Address for Inmate
~ Date Inmate Entered Prison
~ Offense Committed
~ Date of Offense
~ Length of Sentence(s)
~ Parole Eligibility Date
~ Earliest Release Date
~ Full Street Address Inmate is Paroled too
Florida Prison Website:
State Prison Website: (National)
Federal Prison Website:
Hello US_DOJ_GOV...
Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.I'm always interested in what other people have to say on the subject.
So if you are a Federal Prosecutor I would really be interested in your views on such subjects as the difference in sentences between Marty and say Lisa or Ali.And also in your opinion what are the chances that the three remaining in prison (Marty/Derek/Donnie) will ever get even so much as another hearing on the case.
If you have the time it would really be of interest to me and I'm sure others who come to read the site...
Thanks Again
After watching the movie for the first time in a couple years I decided to google around for more information on the "real story". Your blog was very helpful.
Thank you for stopping in and taking the time to leave a comment.
I'm glad you found things here helpful and hope you have had any questions you may have had answered...
I saw this story for the second time on the IFC channel (first time in 2002 as a senior in high schooL), and I was once again brought back to my hometown. My ex-girlfriends brother went to school with those kids, and I am familiar with that entire area as I grew up there. Even the movie scenes I know exactly where they are.
The kids are portrayed perfectly in the movie as they are in my hometown...and still are. That was all filmed and took place around the Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Davie & Weston area of Broward County Florida.
I also dont blame Marty for what he did, I was also bullied at one point but I fought back and got over it, but I can understand how it can drive him to murder. I just think it was planned poorly and the outcome could have been different had Marty thought about his future. But thats how it is in PP and Cooper City, smoke blunts, drive around, drink liquor and pop drugs. Things never change...
I'm wondering if all of you who are commenting have seen this site: http://web.archive.org/web/20010615131436/http://www.freelisaconnelly.com/
It's clearly biased, but regardless, there's some great information in there, pertaining particularly to the judicial process.
It's a long read and a lot of it is repetitive, but in my opinion, it's worth your time.
Thanks for stopping in and taking time to comment.
I'm glad you could give some first hand knowledge of what life in the area was/is like.I guess things are really the same in alot of places but alot of readers live in other parts of the world and don't get to see it as it is.
Thanks again for your comments...
There is a link to that site in the post so I'm sure some have gone there and read some of the information they have.I agree it is a very good site for understanding alot of the things that go on in the judicial system in the US not only now but in the past as well.
Thanks for visiting and the info...
BTW: In the last 2 days Wakado has received over 3,000 hits to this post so there are alot of people who want to know more about this case every time "Bully" airs on TV.
Thank you all for visiting...
Skinsraj28, I have read a lot on that website. I agree with the bias, however it paints a different picture of the whole affair. Really gives food for thought.
I found interesting the segment on Lisa's time in prision. She is painted as a model citizen now that she is in a "secure enviroment" and off the streets.
Reality now is....she lives in a low crime rural retirement community. She uses her legal knowledge (gained in prision) to keep herself out of jail for petty crimes. She is obese, on probation and on the verge of losing visitation with her kids.
Please, people, don't confuse "Bully" the movie with what really happened. Brad Renfro was amazing as Marty, but remember the movie is fiction.
The movie does a great job of humanizing everyone involved, including the supposed villain of the piece, Bobby Kent. Don't lose sight of the fact that Kent was murdered. Maybe Kent was a budding sociopath, but he needed therapy and probably a stint in prison - not murder. Violence solves nothing.
At any time, any of the purported rapes or beatings could have been brought to the police or to Kent's parents at the very least. While it may seem interminable at the time, bullying outside of prison is probably a whole lot better than the bullying these people have received inside prison.
I agree that the sentences handed down were hardly fair, but all of those people at any moment could have run away, called the police, or tried to stop the murder. You can't sit idly by while a crime of that magnitude is committed. I feel sorry for all the people that chose to be involved in a murder, but once that murder has been committed, it's hard to muster much sympathy. If life is really that bad for you, go tell someone: your family, your teachers, clergy, the cops, a social worker - anyone.
Finally, I think it's up to Kent's parents to decide if Marty and the others have "paid their debt to society" as some have alleged. It's not "society" - you killed some parents' son.
Cheers. Paul.
i saw the movie and was shocked , i did some research on the original people and am confused as to who is in prison for life and who isnt , is the book different from the movie ???? thanks for any info you can tell me
I have read Bully, seen the movie and done countless hours of research online regarding this subject. I cannot believe that some people (other than his family obviously) think that any of these people should be walking around.
Lisa should still be rotting in prison. She planned the majority of this. If she had kept her sick delusions to herself it might not have happened.
Marty should be dead. Whatever happened to Florida loving to send people to death row? How did he manage to get off it? I don't think when it came right down to it Marty was scared at all. It was 7 against 1. When it started to go down I think he truly got off on the power of having someone elses life in his hands.
Donnie, I feel slightly sorry for him. he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. He just wanted to be a part of the group and have people like him. Unfortunately he picked the wrong people to idolize.
Derek D., showed a total lack of common sense but he wasn't very bright either. His mother and aunt wanted him to try and help his cousin out and he just happened to try at the worst possible time. I feel he was scared for his life when ordered to help drown Bobby Kent.
Derek K was just a small time thug who thought this would increse his reputation by being able to say that he was in on a murder. He coldly helped beat and kill someone he had never met, someone who had done nothing to him. This guy is evil and deserves where he is.
I felt very sorry for Ali. She was spoiled and totally living in fantasy land. I know what she was thinking. They were making all these plans that would never happen. It was something different to do, something to amuse her until it didn't materialize and then she would be on her way back home. I really think she thought that it wouldn't happen. And when it did it was too late. She did however deserve her jail time.
Heather again deserved her sentence. But she was minimal. A neglected child, a druggie. She just floated from place to place in search of her next fix, her next meal, her next friend.
For those of you who think these guys shouldn't be in prison, imagine Bobby Kent was your son, brother, cousin, uncle, nephew and tell me then do you think Derek K, Donnie and Marty have served enough time?
Interesting that you post today, as I just finally got a copy of the book this afternoon. Ive seen the movie multiple times (even without the horrifying real life aspect of it, the film is truly a masterpiece in pure cinematic terms) and Ive been looking forward to reading the real story for a long time. I will come back after Ive finished it with another posting.
They are all murderers (including the girls who conspired to do it), and there's no way around that. If there were mitigating circumstances, that's something to consider in terms of whether they should be free at some later point in their lives or not (and I agree, Lisa Connelly should not be walking free while the males do life). I was bullied in school too (one reason I dropped out and got a GED) and I know how intense that hatred can be when youre dealing with a large overbearing blowhard (and unlike the movie version, in the one image of him online Ive seen, the real Bobby Kent is pretty intimidating looking). If I had been in the same situation back then and had the same kind of peer pressure, who knows what could have happened.
But Ill read the book before I speak further about it, in fact Im going to start it right now.
Im about halfway thru the book, and its a truly fascinating read. Parts of it are exactly like the film (with word for word dialogue even), but it also fills in many details that the movie skimmed over (like the explanation for the odd opening scene where Renfro says obscene things into a phone ... its because the real Marty was allegedly being a "phone prostitute" for a gay man who he and Bobby ended up making a pornographic video of).
Also, its interesting (and very sad) to see the original mug shots in the photo section of the book (and contrasting them to the later shots of the older players shown above on this site). Lisa Connelly looks so young and fragile in her photo that when I was starting the book (and reading in the 1st chapter about her poignant desperation for a boy that would love her), I started to feel very sorry for her, and was beginning to think that maybe she deserved her parole afterall (especially from the parts where Marty was almost as mean and abusive to her as Bobby, something the movie definitely didnt show).
Now Im to the section where she obsessively pushes everyone towards the murder plot (as in the film), and the sympathy is fading back to the feeling I had for her character in the film (revulsion and dislike). I think that the one I have the most pity for now is probably poor dumb Donnie Semenec, with his deluded drug-addled brain probably equating the murder of Kent to the Mortal Kombat game that he and Derek obsessed over. Not that it excuses him (or any of them) from the reprehensible act that they committed, but at the very least, it succeeds in humanizing them to where you can start to understand how something like this can happen.
And Marty Puccio is definitely not sympathetic in the book at all ... in fact, if the facts presented are correct, he was just as much of a steroid-addled blowhard as Kent. It's almost impossible to sustain sympathy for him after reading about the kind of "games" that he and Kent played with mentally retarded people. He may have been "bullied" by Kent, but he was also a bully himself. This was an aspect of his personality that the film conveniently glossed over, and it shouldnt have.
However, the fact remains: if Lisa Connelly hadnt conceived the whole insane idea and pushed them all into it so relentlessly, Bobby Kent would be alive today. She was a coward who couldnt do "the act" herself, but didnt mind insisting that others do it for her. Therefore, her being paroled while leaving the boys to a life in prison is (ironically) rather like letting Charlie Manson go and leaving his "girls" in prison. It makes no sense whatsoever, and I hope the rest of her life is filled with deep shame. She deserves it and much more.
So with that said, Im gonna go finish the book now. To those who havent ready it yet, you should definitely find a copy.
Okay, I have just finished the book (by the way, I have posted here as both Subterranean Cinema and Alexander, same person). You can see from my earlier postings that I have kept an open mind about the entire "Bully" story, having become a fan of the film a couple of years ago (I seem to end up watching it every time its on IFC, which is often). Its a testament to the film's power that it caused me to research the real story (and find this blog), and to track down the book and read it.
Im glad I did read it, because it sure puts a seriously different spin on the story as opposed to the way it was portrayed in the film (though at times the script lifts out entire conversations and events word for word).
The main thing that has changed is that I now feel without a doubt that Marty Puccio not only should NEVER be released from prison, but that he probably deserved to be executed. This isnt the poor quiet little whiner we saw in the film, the real Puccio was a manipulative, evil-minded little dirtbag who hung out with Kent of his own accord, and they were two side of the same coin really, both steroid-pumped overbearing assholes that the majority of people have sense enough not to associate with. Marty Puccio is a vermin, and he should only leave prison in a pine box.
Lisa Connelly is the other completely infuriating part of this. To read the last chapters where she is showing what a completely spoiled, nasty, empty headed little brat she was, I feel more than ever that she deserves whatever bad karma befalls her in life, and I hope its plenty. Nobody can convince me that she has "changed" in 15 years. She even still lives in the same area of Florida, probably still living with her "Ma" too.
And that brings me to the part of the book that just has me absolutely LIVID, and the area of blame that was all too ignored in the film, almost unforgivable: the culpability of the parents. In particular, I find the family members of Lisa Connelly to be especially reprehensible examples of the lowest form of mouth-breathing "white trash" in existence, and since they are named openly in the book, Ill be happy to repeat their names here:
MAUREEN P. CONNELLY of Davie, Florida - Lisa's mother, who angrily took umbrage that her poor little fat daughter had to do ANY time at all, since she was "completely innocent" of doing anything wrong. In fact, this reprehensible human offal actually took her ranting, raving lunatic daughter to a motel and brought Marty to her, then left them both alone to spend a final night together. She should have been put in a cell next to her, she's positive proof that some people shouldnt be allowed to become parents, even if it means forced sterilization. If Florida had the death penalty for people who just flat out dont deserve the oxygen they breathe, Maureen Connolly would be frying like an egg.
JOSEPH ANTHONY SCRIMA of Hollywood, Florida - this is Maureen's brother (and Lisa's uncle), a man who hauls garbage for a living (and employs his waste of flesh sister as a "dispatcher", probably because it was either that or welfare for a barfly wretch like Maureen Connolly). After the murder was revealed, this bellowing scumbag had the nerve to get angry, as if they were unfairly prosecuting Lisa and that they should release her immediately (even trying to get some sort of "contact" in the police force to aid them in it). Its very revealing that this entire family moved down from the BRONX to Florida, they definitely have the overbearing mouths and attitudes to match. I wish the entire family nothing but the very worst karmic payback, they deserve the Kennedy curse. (And of course, Derek Dzvirko's mother, Linda, is Maureen's sister. Lovely bunch of people, arent they? Imagine what their family reunions are like, all of them sitting around telling Lisa and Derek how INNOCENT they are ... sickening losers!)
So, Marty probably should have gotten the needle, he's a despicable little man from the word go, and that will never change. Lisa Connelly (and her family) should all be ashamed for their existence on the planet in general, but people like that are usually too arrogant to get it. I hope Lisa still lies on the bed and pines for a boyfriend. Beyond the issues of her weight and looks, what man on the planet would want to touch her after knowing her story. Id bet my last dollar that she lives a very, very lonely life indeed, and I certainly hope so, she deserves to be avoided by human beings as if she has leprosy, with her malignant fuckpig of a "Ma" as her only company. She should still be in jail, and not even have been considered for parole until at least 2010.
Ali and Heather I have no problem with being released (even though Ali is still probably not much more than a spoiled rich over-priviledged bitch), their involvement was minimal and mostly due to the warped influence of Lisa Manson Connolly. Derek Dzvirko probably should have done a few more years, but he's not even in the same league as his slug cousin (though he tried to help the completely immoral Puccio defense and paid the price with four extra years of prison, thus showing the necessary lack of integrity and basic human morality to prove that he's definitely related to the Connelly family). And Derek Kaufman deserves life in prison, he was an idiot and a loser and a murderous punk. He's probably the "big man on campus" these days and loving it. Let him rot there forever.
However, I do think its probably time now to consider giving Don Semenec consideration of parole. I dont know what kind of person he is today, but I think he was "pulling" his first stab with the knife, afraid to really thrust it in and do serious damage, in a warped and immature way looking to impress his girlfriend Ali at his "gallantry" (unlike Marty who went for the worst damage he could inflict). Semenic didnt cause the lethal blows, that was Puccio and Kaufman. He's the only one of them I have even the remotest amount of "sympathy" for now. But again, I dont know what sort of person he has evolved into during the last 15 years of confinement, so it all depends on if he has shown himself worthy of parole in other ways too. Compared to Puccio, he's a choir boy.
The film missed a LOT of very important things, and so anyone interested in finding out the truth about the case should definitely supplement the viewing with a read of the book. And if you are a member of the Connelly family (especially one of those named above and in the book) and you have a problem with the way that Ive spoken about your clan of inbred criminals, feel free to post here or email me directly and let me know personally where Im wrong about you, and we can debate the issue. But you wont do it, because its obvious that you are just as cowardly as Lisa, and the reason she turned into the worthless sub-human monster that she is stems largely from her family and the way they raised her. So fuck you all very much.
Bobby Kent was an asshole and an overbearing, scary person, but he wasnt forcing himself on these people, other than his "pal" Marty, with their subtle (and not-so-subtle) homoerotic relationship (which is what Lisa was really jealous of, lets face it, she was angry that Marty liked Bobby's body more than hers). All it would have taken is to just tell Bobby to fuck off, and walk away from him and stay away from him. Go have your parties and dont invite him. Instead, they all set him up to be killed, in a place he wouldnt have been except for their asking him to go there and then ambushing him like gutless sissies. He didnt deserve to die in any way shape or form, however Puccio DID deserve to die for what he did to Kent. As it stands now, he should never see freedom again, EVER.
Thanks again for this blog, and the opportunity to express my opinions about this most controversial of murder cases.
Hello Subterranean Cinema / Alexander...
Wow, you really read the book quite fast so I'm guessing you found it a real page turner.
The problem with most movies that are based on a true story is that they almost always leave some of the important things out or on the cutting room floor.As for thr Connelly family when I saw the movie for the first time I did get the impression that they were a bunch of low life trash.But you are right the book does go into much more detail in order to show their true colors.
I found your comments quite entertaining and I'm glad you choose my site to post them.I've always wondered if anyone who was involved with the case has been here and if so what they thought of it.I tried to join Ali and her Husbands site so I could invite them to come here and comment on what they think of it but I got declined so I guess that was my answer.
Thanks again for coming to my site and adding your feelings...
Yes, I am glad I had a forum to express my feelings about this very complex case, in fact you can track back from my very first posting, and see how my opinion changed about things as I learned more of the real facts, beyond what is shown in the film. Except for Lisa Marie Connelly, I dont disagree with the releases of the other girls and Dzvirko. But the Connelly clan's behavior just nauseates me to such a degree that I think they should live outcast from humanity, I really do.
Lisa and the people related to her that are mentioned by name in the book (and who's names I repeated in my previous posting here) are still living in pretty much the exact same places in Florida (its only been 15 years since the murder afterall) and they are even still openly and publicly listed in the white pages (including the ones available thru Google). It's amazing what you can find with the right kind of basic searching.
So thanks again for this, and hopefully one of the CONNELLY (and/or SCRIMA and DZVIRKO) clan will have the GUTS to crawl out from the rocks that they live under down there in Florida, and explain to us why their sniveling and unrepentant little putrid murderess LISA MARIE CONNELLY deserves to even still breathe oxygen that should be going to a human being instead, much less her being able to walk out here free with the rest of us who never thought of butchering another human being mercilessly, and even less than THAT covering up for her in some sort of pious, outraged moral indignation as if she did nothing wrong and the government is just being overly mean to her, for the only reason that she belongs to your disgusting BRONX trash family and so therefore she "couldnt do that". Shame on you people. I hope all of you have to live at some point with the same extreme level of sorrow over the horrific death of a family member that the poor parents of Bobby Kent had to, largely because of this sickening woman who you all undoubtedly still blindly defend.
If I lived in Lisa Connelly's current neighborhood (which is of course the exact same as "MA!!!", she probably lives in her basement, underground like the fucking MOLE that she is), Id let everyone in that area know they are living next door to a female Charles Manson, the same way you do when they move a pedophile in, as a way to protect YOUR family from the bad influence of HERS. If anyone needs the information in order to accomplish that, its available quite easily and for free in the manner I have described above, and its all quite legal to obtain too. Make Lisa the PARIAH that she deserves to be, at whatever local watering hole she and her barfly "ma" are drowning the sorrows of remainder of their miserable, lonely lives in (undoubtedly blaming it all on evil "men" who led them both astray, awwwwww). And for God sakes, keep your kids away from her (and her entire family for that matter)!! Consider this a Public Service Warning. Some people are just a literal cancer on the world, and they can infect you (and your family members) the same way with their evil and sociopathic minds just by associating with them. Maybe that is the bottom line moral of this sordid story. Choose your friends wisely.
Best wishes to all that deserve it, and bad karma to those that dont! You know who you are. :)
One final thing, if I could:
There are at least two people who do deserve a LOT of sympathy to this day, and those are Fred and Farah Kent, the parents of Bobby Kent (in addition to any siblings and other close relatives that he had). It infuriates me deeply that Lisa Marie Connelly is walking free and unrepentant for her crime (with the blessings of her clueless and amoral family members), and Im sure it's something that the Kent family still has to live with every day to great anguish, and even more so with Lisa freed (unjustly).
On their now defunct and moot "Free Lisa" website, they had tried to allude to Fred Kent as being suspect because he was of Iranian heritage, and said that Bobby and Marty were only surfers so they could bring drugs in from offshore ships (as if this has any bearing on why its okay to murder someone in cold blood who is pleading for their life). It's another level of disgustingly gutter (and blatantly RACIST) behavior that Lisa Marie Connelly's family went to in order to get her paroled. It just truly boggles the mind.
So if any of Bobby Kent's relatives end up reading this (and chances are they will eventually), I want to wish you all the very best in dealing with the terrible situation that scarred your lives, and don't worry, with the power of the internet (and blogs like this), Lisa's role in this will never be forgotten, and neither will the injustice of her parole. And Marty Puccio will never see freedom again.
The movie and the book were made for entertainment. They are very very loose with the truth and fabricate much. However they sure have sucked a lot of people in.
Wow,growing up in Bostons tough inner city when we got bored we did some stupid shit....but murder?Ive seen the movie about 5 years ago,last year found the book in a second hand store read it in about 3 days.I wonder why the movie wants to portray Marty as a victim?He was a sick dude!If Bobby and especially Marty were murdered by the gay guy that made the video(and marty beat the shit out of)would that be justified because he was bullied?I dont care what ANYONE on this site says,,,poor this one and poor that one,A FUCKIN LIFE WAS TAKEN....And no one has the right to do that.People feel bad for Donnie?Cause his heart wasnt in it when he stuck him in the back!Lisa is free when she wanted a human bieng dead because she was jealous of him and her ABUSIVE boyfriends relationship?Anyone of these idiots could have said .fuck this I am outta here and walked away.I dont feel bad for anyone of them..not a one...and the families of the murderers..not one apology!Its pretty cool that you want a guy freed who bragged over and over again what it felt like to murder his best friend.....Sick!!Im tired so thats enough for now,whoevers site this is and you want Marty free so bad ,My advice to you is get a life get a job,do something ALOT more constructive with your free time like stop the war...or help stop global warming...but free this MANIPULATIVE piece of shit forget about it
This post is here for people to be able to research the Bobby Kent murder and decide for themselves who is guilty and who is not and to what degree. I for the most part keep any of my personal opinions out of it because they are not a part of the case and are of no help to anyone in making up their own minds. Anyone who assumes they know what I feel about the case is doing just that, assuming.
Also, this is just one post of a couple hundred on this site referring to the Puccio/Kent case. I post on many subjects that interest me and me alone. If other people find them interesting great but I don’t determine that. I’m sure there are thousands of sites on the subject of stopping the wars and maybe you would be more comfortable reading them instead of wasting your time here…
I just saw the movie Bully last weekend but only got up to half of the movie, due to all of the sex scenes. So yesterday I finished the rest, It was shocking to see that Marty was sentenced to Death by Electric Chair, in fact I couldn't even close my mouth when it said that on the screen. Upon watching this movie, I do believe in Karma also (I am currently researching Buddhism) I have bullied a kid in High School and I am truly guilty for doing so, and I have been harsh towards my loved ones, and it really doesn't pay to be a mean and hostile person. I also wonder why the parents were so oblivious; they did not care about what they did with their time, and they were allowed to walk all over their parents like it was nothing. It seemed like Bobby's father was the only one concerned with what he was going to do with his life. I enjoyed reading the information posted on this site, and for the people who are being bullied, please seek help from an outside source (parent, teacher, or a Psychologist) Life its way too short to be living in pain and fear.
I live next door to Lisa Connelly. I honestly believe that Lisa has gotten off very lightly. I got to know her before I found out the "true" story behind her time spent in prison. She is a very disturbed young lady. She has threatened several of our neighbors out here. I am only 1 of about 4 or 5 people in our neighborhood that know the full story, which is totally different from what she has told us. I just prefer her to stay away from my home and family.
What a lucky guy you are.Of all the millions of people in the world you get Lisa Connelly for a neighbor.I can understand why you would rather not have her around your home.It sounds like she still hasn't learned to keep out of trouble.
If at all possible,I would really like to hear what kind of story she gave you compared to the real one.I'm sure the readers would like to hear it also and maybe ask you some questions too if you would'nt mind.
Either way thank you for stopping in and commenting.Good luck to you.
Wow, that is quite an amazing (and scary) update, Doug. If Lisa Marie Connelly or anyone in her family is making threats of ANY kind to you or other people, I would ask you or them to please REPORT her to the authorities immediately! It is a sickening travesty of justice that this murderous, mentally warped young woman is walking free at all, and if she is going back to her old ways, then it is VITAL that someone let the police know about it NOW.
If nothing else, as far as I know, she is still on parole, and she CAN be sent back to prison to serve out the rest of the term if she is making threats in ANY way. Dont wait until there is another Bobby Kent snuffed out because of this psychotic bitch. Report your story to the authorities today, and if they send her back to where she belongs, you will be my personal hero. :)
Thanks for posting, and please let us know if anything new happens with her.
Reading the horrific graphic detailed description of the murder of Bobby Kent has a lasting effect on any human being with empathy, something none of those kids had. When I was a teenager one of our "friends" slept with another guy's sister, & he wasn't our good friend. He was known to be nuts/tough. The problem was our friend blabbed it to everyone. The crazy brother waited for him behind a tree and surprised him with a heavy metal chain to the head, he proceeded the onslaught with the chain. But one of the guys put an end to it. Only after a brutal beating and he was "our friend" the other guy just hung out every so often. I wasn't there but I could never understand how these guys stood and watched without stopping it. I know i would have. At least someone did. I don't know how these Florida dopes could continue with such a brutal assault. All they had to do was collectively give him a good ass kicking. But I guess that's why so many people are enthralled with the story. Subterranean your a good writer and I feel your anger but it's so intense I can't help but wonder if you have some closer connection to the Kents. I think the fact Bobby was Iranian could have had an effect in that they thought of him as a lesser being than themselves and the notion that he would likely succeed in life while they remained trash pissed them off. This of course was only a contributing factor. Lisa was the reason it happened. You usually see the DA go after the ring leader, I'm surprised she got off. I hope for her daughter's sake that she's a good mother.
Derek K. is the worst in my view as he didn't even know Bobby and he acted so viciously. Funny how he panicked when Bobby started to run towards him to escape. He was a big guy if he was so tough why didn't he say I'll kick his ass for you guys 1 on 1. B/C he's a big P-ssy. I think Donny was just trying to impress everyone and it's evidenced by the fact that his initial attack to the back of Bobby's neck wasn't that deep. With a running start he could have stuck the knive all the way in. But then again if he doesn't volunteer maybe nobody starts it & nothing happens that night.
Someone was repeatedly stabbing Bobby though. I read the Appeal Brief or Decision (found it online) and it references the medical examiners findings. I didn't recall there being as many stab wounds in the book.
Does anyone know if and when American Justice (the show listed on A&E's website) that did a documentary on the subject will be aired again? Did 48 hours ever do a show on the subject? Have Bobby's parents or sister ever spoken pubicly since?
>> Subterranean your a good writer and I feel your anger but it's so intense I can't help but wonder if you have some closer connection to the Kents.
No, I can assure you that I have no personal connection to the Kent family or anyone else in this case. In fact when I first saw the film (but before I had read the book), I was tending to lean a bit towards the Puccio side (the movie is unfortunately slanted to get that reaction from the audience). You can read the metamorphosis of my opinions on this case above, as I posted here over the course of several months (as both "Subterranean Cinema" and "Alexander"), revising my thoughts as I learned more about the facts, and the more I learned, the deeper my anger at the Connelly family for their sickening defense of Lisa's actions (including their racist attempts to use the Kent's Iranian heritage in an attempt to blame the victim for his own death).
It's nothing "personal" in a sense of actually knowing them (I would never acquaint myself with that ilk of lowlife), but it is "personal" in a sense of the real moral outrage I feel that Lisa Marie Connelly is walking free. I think that is the reaction from many people after they read the book.
Bullyhater's real name is Lisa.
my name is not lisa my name is mark for information i used have my trucking company down in hollywood and i am not lisa connally like you think so get your facts straight before you go spreding rumors. i lived there until my uncle died and and i moved away in 98 and moved back to indiana
So you used to have a trucking company in Hollywood ... did your trucking company haul garbage, and is your name Joe Scrima? (aka Lisa Marie Connelly's uncle)
If so, just have the courage to admit it. Then Id be happy to ask you a few questions about your behavior as described in the book (and the behavior of your sister Maureen, aka Lisa's "MA!!!"). Until you want to be honest about your connections to the case, dont play coy little games, you have an obvious personal bias going here. (I also notice that the writing style changed dramatically between the two postings, first in ALL CAPS and then not. Was it the same person that even wrote them both?)
I have to add a few more comments, because whether this person is Joe Scrima or someone else associated directly to the Connelly clan, what he has posted here in defense of the MURDER is just ridiculous.
In the first place, nobody here is trying to whitewash Bobby Kent and say he was a great fella. He was a lowlife, just like his buddy Marty Puccio, and just like all of the pukes that murdered him. This case doesnt HAVE a "good guy", and that's part of what makes it so fascinating, at least to me. So it has nothing to do with shedding tears over Bobby Kent.
However, with that said, to condone a brutal cold blooded butchering is just disgusting. If Lisa and Ali had been "raped repeatedly" as you assert, then THEY COULD HAVE REPORTED IT TO THE POLICE. They didnt because they werent "raped", they were two vapid white trash gutter sluts who were at least as high as Bobby ever was, if not more so. He wouldnt have been there that night except he was invited for the express reason of being killed. He didnt have a chance to fight back (since he was too large and scary for the fucking pack of little sissies to take on face to face) and in fact, he begged for his life.
There was no sane justification to the act, and anyone who tries to justify it in the kind of "wakado" hysterical ALL CAPS method that this individual has should get some mental therapy of their own.
This debate isnt a requiem for "poor Bobby Kent", and I havent seen anyone trying to paint him as anything but the overbearing, steroid-addled idiot that he was (as was Marty Puccio). I stated earlier that I only have sympathy for his parents, not for him personally. But guess what, we all had bullies like Kent around in our youth (mine was a fat blowhard named Roy who was VERY similar to Kent in several ways). The vast majority of us refrained from killing them (though breaking a few of their bones could be a good alternative). But cold blooded murder is against the law, and it's wrong. Period.
to subterranean cinema i dont were you get off thinking i am joe scrima or who your brainiack ass thinks i am but you dont know me from adam so dont pretend that do as far as the gang goes i could fuckin care less all i said was that bobby was a fuckin punk and got what he brought on his self. if he was'nt a perv and a rapist then why did he go with them because he had every intention of doing wrong. i personaly new of him and he was a no good punk and so was his dad a total piece of shit that walked all over people to get what he wanted.as i said befoe i lived there when i had my trucking company there and bobby had went to school with my little brother and had tryed to punk on him and act like he was his friend and i set his ass straight.and told him to get the fuck off of my property.as in reference to marty ali lisa you dont know jack shit about them i do they use to be friends with my little brother before things got bad with bobby and my brother stop hanging around with them. so he was just smarter than they were and new better than to deal with bobbys shit.and just because marty and the girls didnt have the strenght to stay clear of bobby and not let him upset them just makes them weak not bad people everybody mkaes mistakes and i agree they made one stuid mistake.and as far as lisa and ali being raped they were raped they were just afraid of bobby and they new it wouldnt do any good since the worthless cops would,nt have done shit be cause the law in that town is corrupt and a bunch of pussies to afraid to deal with real bad guys like rapests serial killers and people far worse then you could ever think of.we have society and our government to blame for the way things are as the war irac is prof of that they are more comcerned about helping out scum bags and worthless countrys when we have our own problems to deal with.until things change we are going to continue to have these problems.and if the parents would have gave a shit at all this would have never had happened as bobbys dad was a prick and a scum bag who didnt care who he shit on to get what he wanted and thought he was better than anyone else.so you can take your know it all aditude spreding rumors about shit you dont anything about.because you dont know jack shit about squat people like you make me sick.people like you see a court case and automaticly asume that oh they are lying and they are scum i am a know it all.that is the problem in the counrty it has to many cheifs and not enough indians and to many gossapers and high society pricks who think they are the supreme beings on this planet.well i say horse shit no body knows for sure about someone they dont know or is perfect only god is perfect.this contry has way to many laws to protect the scum and victimise the inisent.
and another thing if i chose to use all capital letters it my right and if you dont like it you can kiss my ass, who the hell are you gripe about me using capital letters. what are you the letter police i will type how ever i feel like because there is not a law that says i have type a cerctain way this aint a book wrighting class it is just a bloging site so get a grip buddy.You need to look up the defintion of the word histerical. what i said has nothing to do with being histerical you moron i just was pointing out that these kids did make a very stupid mistake by letin bobbys punk as actions get the best of them but that does nt mean that they are worthless mybe you should talked to ali husband and find out about the real ali. the movie makers always blow everything out of perportion and make things sounds worse than they really were.and they sometimes dramitize the actual people.
the book that you are talking about dont mean shit about this so called joe scrima who you say is lisa connally's uncle just because someasshole wrights a book does,nt mean it is all true since most wrighters are garbage anyway the desestort the truth for their own advantage.and i dont really care about this joe scrima i dont know him and dont care to know him and dont give a shit i have a trucking company i am a contractor that hauls for various produce and potato broakers that do all the shiping for farmers and produce warehouses and i moved there in order to get a contract with win dixie and someother various stores i moved there from indiana to so that i could licence myn trucks out of florida in order to get the contract with windixie grocery store chain and lived there from 84 to 98 until my father passed away and moved back to indiana to take care of my mother and have since relocated the flordia terminal which is nothing more than a truck shop with an office to jacksonville.so this explanes your suspion to weather i am lisa's uncle
Yeah, keep on blathering like a fucking speed freak, Einstein, it really helps your argument, which is pathetic to begin with. Do you really think that you have more right to express an opinion over this issue than the rest of us simply because you CLAIM to live in the same area where the murders happened and to know the people involved (including the victim)? This is the Internet, sunshine, and people lie about themselves on here constantly, so just because you claim to be something, dont expect everyone to automatically assume you are telling the truth (or care even if you are).
But even if you do live there and even if you do know the people involved, it doesnt change the obvious fact that you are a shallow blowhard with a big mouth and a small brain (something you have in common with Scrimo and the Connellys). So far the discussions have been pretty much civil here, we dont need some infant wetting his fucking diapie and throwing a tantrum for attention, throwing in his two cents (which is much more than they are actually worth).
Maybe if you can manage to grow the fuck up and learn how to debate like an adult, including using the occasional paragraph breaks and basic elementary punctuation (yknow, those things that they teach most people how to do in early grade school), someone might then give you enough credit to consider what you are saying and discuss the issue with you. But instead of attempting to present an already shaky defense rationally and maturely, you come off acting like one of the kids from the "Bully" film, throwing around curse words incessantly to replace the vast number of missing ones in your available vocabulary, which may be the best evidence that you are indeed from that area afterall. So lets give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are exactly who you say that you are. Who fucking cares?
But dont let me digress and interrupt your crack smoking session, "Mark". Im sure Lisa is getting impatient for her chance at the pipe (assuming she doesnt have her face between your legs at the moment), so youd better puff puff pass before she finds someone to slit your throat in spite (its a known fact that she's too much of a coward to do her own dirty work). Fuck you and the white pony you rode in on.
(I would normally be curious as to how you managed to have a "trucking company" at the same time you allegedly had a "little brother" being "picked on" by Bobby Kent ... did you run your "trucking company" after school? Eh, thats okay, if it means sitting through another of your mindless tweaker rants for an explanation, Ill gladly withdraw the question. Im not going to monopolize space on this very worthy forum by indulging in your childish need for attention.)
Please help a midwesterner understand some things! I have seen the movie just recently and am awaiting my book from Amazon. It didn't come today or I would be reading it instead of this blog! :) So my comments are based on the movie only. But other than Marty and Bobby at the sandwich shop, we never see any of them actually working and Lisa's mom said they don't work. Apparently a couple years earlier Ali and Heather were hookers? That $$ would be long gone by now. How did they get the money for drugs, gas, a car, etc? Do parents just hand it over liberally? When I was that age I had to work for everything I got and when I got it I did not abuse it! It's hard to believe that parents raise a kid in such a manner that they either don't have a clue or don't care what their kids are up to. The whole thing is a sad tale about our society as well. It makes me glad that I never did and never will have kids (can't) because if I had a kid like any of them, I'd have a nervous breakdown or something.
I might be a hick but I am thankful for my small-town upbringing where my parents knew where I was and what I was doing (most) of the time. Nothing like sex, drugs and murder, that's for sure.
I love this site. Thank you!!
Hey BigBear..
Thank you for the compliment and I'm happy you do "Love" the site. I’m also glad you didn’t get your book today so you could spend some time here :^)
I'm sure that there will be people coming on that can help you understand just how they all could afford all the drugs and other things they needed to get them through their miserable day to day lives. As you pointed out Marty and Bobby did have jobs and I guess you could say Derek Kaufman did too if you count dealing in stolen stuff.
I'm sure someone with more time can go into more detail for you. I try to come on and answer some things as often as I can but I also run four other sites, which keep me quite busy. However, I'll come back and help you out if you don't get the answers you want if need be.
Again thanks for your kind comment and I hope you will come back after you read the book and give Us some of your opinions then too...
Also, I wanted to say a few words about the rules on commenting here at Wakado because there is a bit of a heated Debate/Discussion going on lately.
There is really only ONE rule and that is that I will not tolerate SPAM. Thats it.
I'm a big believer in free speech and as long as I run the site that’s the only way it will be. I do not censure or edit any comments that are posted and I never will. Everyone is welcome to state his or her opinions here and even though it may get a bit heated at times that’s what makes it real. I’ve seen other sites that do censure and edit but not here...
This has nothing to do with your post BigBear but I just wanted to make the point tonight while I was here...
So thanks everyone for your comments and Please keep them coming.
BJC (Wakado Webmiester)
Yes Id like to thank BJC again for creating this forum and running it very fairly. There are bound to be heated moments when debating a subject as controversial as this one has become, and giving both sides of the argument is what its all about. I dont mind if someone disagrees with me and thinks Bobby "deserved" it, but Ill be as civil with them as they are with me. When someone comes on like this recent individual and seems to think they can bluster and (yes) even BULLY the discussion to a halt by verbally attacking those who disagree with them, they are deeply mistaken if they think that kind of trollish tactic will work here. Im sure that Lisa Marie Connelly and her family members have seen this site and are fully aware of this discussion. As long as they dont come here and start tossing out mindless venom like this recent foole (whoever "he" or "she" really is), Ill treat them politely too (though I will also have some very hardball questions to ask that I doubt they are prepared to answer).
Big Bear: youll be shocked when you read the book, some parts are word for word the same as in the film, but there are alot of things that put a whole different spin on the entire case (especially the character of Marty Puccio, who in real life wasnt nearly as sympathetic as the film showed him, in fact he and Bobby were exactly alike). If you read the history of my postings above from the start, youll see how my opinion of the people involved changed drastically after reading the book (it also made me realize that Lisa Connelly's relatives enabled her to a truly disgusting degree). After you finish the book, please come back here and post your thoughts, Ill be curious to see if they match my own. Thanks!
It is amazing what I have been reading. No wonder there is so much hatred in the world. Educate yourself and learn that by using the language you have chosen to write in this blog, it shows us.......yes you have the Right, but do we really care for your unsubstantiated facts. Make a viable arguement and present it to the forum. Write with some meaning and keep our interest. Some of this has just blown me away with the nonsense. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Learn the facts of the case. Even then who are we to pass judgement. We were not there and we were not placed under the horrible circumstances that any of those kids were put under. It appears as though there was a mob mentality. But prior to this, perhaps it was premedataded. Perhaps once it was put into play, the scenario couldn't be stopped. Does a "bully" deserve to die in this fashion? Even a good old fashion beating is against the law. Then you feel the need to bring the parents into this. How many parents truly know what their children are doing? I can tell you I know what my children are doing. I sit back and look at my children and sometimes allow them way to much freedom and think that they are grown up to make certain choices. But they aren't. Don't condemn what you don't know. Have your opinion and state your arguement. Do right by yourself and those around you.
I have recently seen the movie about this bunch of kids that committed this hienus crime i cant believe that the parents didnt know what was going on and what was going through there heads when they even thought about doing what they done.I am so disapointed in society for leting these things happen.
I have three boys and a girl and you can bet your bottom dollar that i know what is going on with my kids every minute of the day because they know if they are even thinking about geting into any trouble that there will be hell to pay.And i think if the partents would have been more responsable for there kids and cared what was going on in there lives that this terriable crime would have not been committed.I do how ever feel sorry for the parents as i would not no what to do if something like this would have happened to my kids.
although i dont feel a bit sorry for bobby kent he didnt deserve to die like that but he very well deserved to be punished for his actions and abviously had mental problems and severly need physciatric help for all of his preverce tendancys and if the police could've done something before hand to prevent things like this before hand and could have avoided this from ever happening.
Something had to be wrong meantaly with those kids to even think about doing it and i think normal people would never do something like that.who knows maybe they had some sort of selfasteam issues or they were just week and had no willpower.
kids at that age when they are growing up need parental guidance and to be tought right from wrong and they abviously had not been tought that or there parents were'nt concerned.From what i read in the book and what i saw in the movie they were lousy parents and bobbys dad seemed to only care about money and power and did'nt care about what is really important.
It is just a shame to see things like this happen,only if people did'nt have so much hatred the world would be a better place.Something i have always wondered is why cant we all just get along and stop fighting and hurting each other.
I think that if parents would pay closer attention to there kids and to what they are doing or are involved in and get them help when they need it just like bobby and marty did we could avoid this from ever happening again.
AS far as the rest of them they had problems them selves and needed help but their parents abviously didnt seem to care what was going on with them or what was going on in their heads.
I mean come on, your kid keeps coming home with black eyes and you do nothing about it, then i say you need help your to .because you aint right in the head or you just dont give shit.And parents like that have no buisness having kids.
I really thank who ever created this site for people to express there feelings concerns on this subject and maybe together we all can make a differance in this world and make it a much safer place tp live.
thanks keith
Wow...... It was a pleasure to open my emails and see so many well thought out and incredibly well written responses. Especially from MIKE. You seem to be an individual that was abviously raised right and well educated. Your style of writing is unique in its own way. Now may I possibly be so bold as to recommend that you open a dictionary, Oh!!! I apologize that must be to advanced for you. Perhaps, I know....Green Eggs and Ham. It's a wonderful piece by Dr. Suess. Every library or even a trailer park by you....will have it. As far as the ass kicking.....if you are smart ( which you have proven by far you are much smarter than the rest of us) you will not give out your true identity or location. And if you have just a few cells in that grey matter of yours......you definately wouldn't give it to me. But just keep hiding behind your computer. You can be anything you dream of. Maybe even one day .....no never mind. you couldn't.
Wow! Now that I have read the book, I am shocked by the different portrayal of Marty in the book vs the movie. Sounds like he was a real jerk too. However, I don't think he would have considered murder except for Lisa planting it in his mind. Therefore, I cannot believe the women are out and not the men. They all should be locked up with the key thrown away. Cases like this traumatize me! These kids were all nuts! Hedonistic, spoiled rotten brats. Wow. But the real tragedy is the book continues where the movie leaves off. The behavior of Marty and Lisa before and during their trials is appalling. No remorese, they thought the did nothing wrong. I am speechless!!!
That is why I have collected everything here in one place.So people who see the movie can come here and read the facts and see what the truth is compared to the movie.There is a big difference between the movie and the real story.All movies that are 'Based' on a true story really never show the whole story.That would be impossible in two hours.
I'm glad you have educated yourself and now realize that just seeing the movie is not knowing the true story of Marty Puccio And His Merry Band Of Misfits...
Big Bear: yeah, your reactions were pretty much the same as mine after reading the book, it definitely puts an entirely different spin on the case than the movie does (which I still think is a true masterpiece, but apparently about as historically accurate as an Oliver Stone film).
I strongly urge everyone to read the book, and then make your judgements on this case.
hi, let me just comment what a incredible site you have here. Yea i have watched the film and done some research, as far as im concerned there is no debate needed here. As far as i can see everyone got what they deserved, but i think alice and lisa should of got life sentence with out a doubt. And marty, thats right that he got life, im sorry but hes a murderor. I mean he got bullied yea fair enough. most people get bullied but they dont go as far as viciously murder someone, so there is no sympatyy towards him. And bobby im sure how people percived him to be he would of ended in prison anyway. No human being has the right to kill another, only god has that power. So all of them can rott in hell
I finally got a chance to buy the book. It was good reading and finished it quickly. The movie followed the book well. I have the transcripts from the trials and plan to start reading them. I do hope the book follows the truth. Interesting was coming across Derek Dzvirko on MySpace. I'm certainly amused with his writings of pure poetry. He makes himself out to be one hell of a tough guy. He is a celebrity in his own mind. He has moved on from the Boby Kent saga. I'm sure the Kents are happy that Derek is doing well. He talks about hitting people in the head with sticks and if you don't like him, "put the shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger". Big words from a big man. He pissed in his pants then, I don't even want to imagine the accident he would feel in his pants if he faced a true fighter. I don't need to brag, but, hey D. anytime you would like to meet, I'll buy you dinner. You can impress me with your tall tales. The only difference is I hit back.
Hey CAS77 !
Glad you have been able to read the book.Could you please post a link to that D. Dzvirko Myspace page?I'd like to be able to add it to the page so people can see it too...
Thank You
My pleasure. www.myspace.com/186269138. Here is a guy that shows no remorse in his words. Shows nothing of anything but a person trying to be nothing other than a cold hearted wanna be. Whats worse is that on his account he posts pictures of his family. No clue about the predators whom scour the internet looking. He makes mention of all kinds of vicious acts. Does this guy forget that he is a killer? He is not now, nor has he ever been innocent in the Killing of a human being? Worst of all he is really nothing more than a fat, pissing in his pants low life. He didn't serve hard time because he "ratted" on others. Actually a practice the Prosecution should be ashamed of themselves for. Each one of those misfits played a pivotal role in the killing. This was a preplanned act of murder. Mr. Dzvirko says he doesnt want to speak of this anymore, unless you buy him dinner. Thats's certainly not a shocker. It doesnt appear as he has missed a meal in a his sad life. Perhaps he should learn to humble himself just a little. Learn from the mistakes that were made. All that tough talk, I'll get in the cage with him anyday.
Thanks for the MySpace link, very interesting indeed. Keep in mind that the Dzvirko's and Connelly's are related, so the low moral character of the entire clan is pretty apparent from things like that.
Derek is a "huge movie buff", apparently. Ill bet he'd love my site, which is Subterranean Cinema, located at "subcin.com" (sorry for the shameless plug, lol). He might not like so much the section I have sending people over to this blog to find out the real story of the "Bully" murder that the film didnt show, but the rest of it will probably appeal to his cult film sensibilities.
So enjoy it, Derek Dzvirko, and fuck you very much. :)
I also watched American Justice which featured the case. I see that Lisa Connelly feels she did nothing wrong. Except Conspiracy to commit battery. The ring leader gets out and gets to enjoy the rest of her life. She is so smug when she gave her little apology to the Kents...."whether they believe it or not". And her mother, what is she thinking? Do these people not teach their children? Is it alright to just get caught up in the heat of the moment and take someone's life? Or maybe just fall prey to Urban Psychosis. From age 7 we start to learn between wrong and right. Mr. Dzvirko is a big, pissing in his pants wannabe. Cowardous acts from these young people. A pre-planned act of cowardous retribution because of an alleged bully. Walk away. Every opportunity to go away was there. By the way SUBCIN....nice site. some good flicks on there.
Thanks, Im glad you like the site, and you are totally correct about Lisa and Derek and the rest of their families. Nobody expects them to weep for Bobby Kent (I certainly dont), but you'd hope they would at least figure out the bottom line, that murder is morally wrong and that they should not have done it, no matter how much of an "asshole" Bobby was. If I killed everyone Ive met in life who fits that definition, Id be the biggest mass murderer on the planet and Id be too busy killing people to eat or sleep. In fact, the world would resemble "I Am Legend" if being an overbearing jerk was a capital offense (and McCain wouldnt have anyone left to run his campaign, heh). Instead, these people act like "hey, I served my time, so I dont have to pretend to be remorseful". Id really like to hear the justification of the parole board that let Lisa Marie Connelly out, and to find out how much of Joseph Anthony Scrimo's garbage hauling money helped to grease the wheels of Florida "justice" for her.
But as OJ is finding out the hard way (thanks to Nevada where I live), karma can repay itself indirectly, and eventually, these trailer trash wretches will pay fully for their evil act in one way or another. I predict that Lisa wont have a happy life, and eventually, she will fall into legal trouble again, and hopefully the authorities will then put her back into a cage to serve out the rest of her sentence (keep in mind that she is still on parole, not technically "free", and with one more stupid mistake on her part, she can be sent back to where she belongs on the same murder charge).
As for Derek, he was pretty much a gutless little coward who participated thru peer pressure because he was afraid of the other Derek, and Id imagine that the way he was shown in the film (an obese and pathetic nebbish with a whiny crackling sobby voice who's only accomplisment in life was being an expert at Mortal Kombat) wasnt too far from the real thing. You can post your self-righteous rants on your MySpace page where nobody can reply to them, Dzvirko, but Ill bet you dont have the balls to do it here where I and others can ask you the tough questions, do ya Big D? It appears that morality isnt the only thing that you still lack, punk.
May I ask how you started following this case? It's ironic that I happened to be doing a paper on the way that defense attornys manipulate the system. IE: Urban Psychosis. I have watched the movie countless times, read the book, 1 documentary and have compiled the court transcripts. Also doubled for a second paper on the "bully" effect. Working in law enforcement, I found this to be not interesting not because of the crime, but because of the number of willing participants. The self proclaimed "Hitman", Swallers and Semenec didn't even have any first hand dealings with Bobby Kent. "Are there any alligators in there"? Is that such a big deal? Does that play a big role? Well, hell yeah. That was the set up sign. She was given instructions to say those words and the murder would commence. The drama that they played out prior unfolded. Nobody stopped. In the documentary Det. Illarraza states that we all have experienced bullies. But we walk away and get on with it. We don't kill them. So even though each one of those misguided misfits each played a role that was important in the murder, the 3 females are no longer serving time. I have reached out for a connection that I have in Florida, I am seeking the remainder of transcripts I could not get. I am looking forward to reading the absolute truth of what happened in the trials. And if anyone is interested I can share what I obtain.
Actually my interest first started when I saw the brilliant Larry Clark film a few years ago, and then found myself watching it multiple times again (thanks to it being a regular feature on IFC channel, in fact its showing on there right now as I type this). I guess my fascination mostly stemmed from the fact that I too was bullied as a teenager (as were many others), and I remember at one point in my anger wishing I had a gun to exact a little payback (fortunately I didnt have one). So the anger that comes from being bullied is quite intense and understandable.
I also have an interest in the Columbine shootings for similar reasons, though my theory with Harris and Klebold is that they werent trying to "get revenge" on bullies, they wanted to BE the bullies ... they didnt kill the football team, they went into the libary and killed other "nerds". They always try to come up with a neat psychological profile for people who do these things, but the real mental situation is always much more complicated, and that is what I find both interesting and horrifying about cases like this.
But then I read the book and, holy cow, did that open my eyes about alot of things in this case that the film overlooks. I was especially disgusted to find out that Lisa Marie Connelly is an even more mentally unbalanced shrew in real life than she is shown in the film (something you wouldnt think possible as the film portrays her in anything but a positive light). It doesnt show the way her family blindly (and vehemently) supported her and tried to get her off with NO charges at all. One great thing about this blog is that you can read the entire metamorphosis of my opinions about this case printed above, as I came here and posted each time I became aware of new facts.
In terms of the research I did that came up with the full names of her relatives (like Joseph Anthony Scrimo, who is known only as "Joe Scrimo" in the book), that information is all available legally and easily thru certain online people search databases. I wont give specific names of those sites here, but if you Google the words "people search" and try some of the links shown there, youll be surprised at the basic information on anyone and everyone that is available for free. For an extra price, you can get alot more information too (including Lisa's current phone number and complete criminal records). It's not worth the fee to me, Ive said everything I need to say here and I have no desire to personally involve myself with any of their ilk, and I have no doubt that at some point theyll all read this blog (if they havent already) and know exactly what I think of them and their immoral actions surrounding this case. But anyone doing serious research for articles who would like to contact them and get their sides of the story can find a wealth of contact information in the right places.
I am so torn on this whole situation. I have read the book, seen the movie, and have gone over the court transcripts. At times I feel for Marty and at times i feel for the Kents, being a parent myself.
I am the daughter of a Boston cop and lived in a neighborhood that wasn't great but I was sent to the best catholic schools and was raised by two terrific parents.
But at 18 I found myself pregnant and getting married for that reason alone. My now ex-husband was extreamely abusive. I spent time in the hospital with a torn rotator cuff from being thrown down the stairs and with a broken eye socket from being kicked in the face with a steel toed boot. By this time I was 23 with a 4 year old and an infant. I remember one night standing over my ex while he was sleeping with a hammer. I had to have stood there for a good 45 minutes trying to bring myself to hit him. I wanted it so badly for it to stop. And I thought the only way to do that was to kill him. But I couldn't do it. But not so much for the fact that I am a great person, it was because I couldn't stop thinking of my boys, who I know needed me so much.
The final straw came was when one night he knocked me down and was kneeling on me punching me in the face and I look up and my 4 year old was on his back trying despreately to get him off of me. I became enraged and I pushed him off of me and called the police. He was arrested and I took my boys and my purse and never looked back. Now 7 years later my life is better than I could have ever imagined. I went back to school and became and accountant and I have one son who will be 12 and is the one who has the most lasting effects of this whole mess and a son who will be 8 and has not one care in the world. I bought my first house in December and the three of us are a happy unit.
The reason I went into all of this was because if Bobby was really tormenting Marty the way the movie depicts then I understand (to a point). There is only so much one can take. And there is a breaking point. I really think I had my breaking point standing there with the hammer. And if I didn't have those boys in the back of my mind, would I have broke?
I don't think any of these kids were model citizens and I don't know if any of us will ever know what really happened that night, or know the truth about Marty and Bobby's relationship. But I do know what is like to be "bullied" and saying enough is enough! There is something that happens to seemingly good people when they endure years of abuse. It is so easy for people to say "walk away". From experience, that is so much easier said than done. I was terrified of this man, but I couldn't bring myself to leave because i was even more terrified of what might happen then. Could two male friends be in this type of relationship also?
Hi LoveBeingMom77...
Thank you for sharing you're story with Us here.I'm really happy for you in the way that you were able to turn your life around after the way it was heading.That goes to show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I hope anyone reading this will take that to heart.
The big difference between your story and this one though is that most of the Misfits who killed Bobby were not Bullied by him and some did'nt even know him at all before the murder.Thay had no reason at all to kill Bobby but they did anyway.
I've never gone into the story why I have such a strong feeling about this case but it is like alot of other peoples here.I was Bullied all through school myself and could have easily gone on a killing rampage because of it.However I choose to get myself out of that situation completely and thats what it took to end it.My opinion is that there is always a better way out than murder and these kids should have known better...
I definately should correct myself in saying that (if Bobby bulling Marty is the truth) I could see how Marty might have snapped. I understand that the others were all doped up and that they were looking for something to do. There is no excuse for how the other 6 behaved and I really feel no sympathy for any of them. I think about Marty a lot and if his side of the story is the truth something in him snapped because of the years of torment he supposely endured.
lovebeingmom77 and subcin...its good to see everyone's insight and feelings why you feel the way you do. Being in law enforcement, I see so many of both the bullies and the ones being bullied. As I have been 6'1 since school, I never really was bullied.......not after 8th grade anyway. I did have bullies before that though. And I remember the look on their faces after the summer that I had my growth spurt. I was just the opposite, I remember trying to keep fair fights for those who were being bullied. I also stuck up for those that couldn't fight for themselves. As I still do. Mom77....I'm certainly glad to hear that you didn't get to your breaking point and use the hammer. To overcome the thoughts you must have had must have been extrememly difficult. But, well worth it both for your freedom and most of all your childrens sake. I have been in contact with my Fla. contact, and just today got the remaining court case numbers that I needed to get the transcripts. Has anyone seen the American Justice episode with this case. Lisa Connelly is so smug it's sickening. And to hear Marty Puccio in his recorded statement to the police. He must have rehearsed over and over. And I just wish that Mr. Dzvirko would read this site and tell me how tough he really thinks he is. He acts tough because he did a few years in prison for his role in the MURDER and now he thinks he has bragging rights. I know his type. He is still just a pissing in his pants crybaby. His act may work for Mortal Kombat, but not here in the real world, where educated people see through his fairy tale nonsense on MySpace.
As SubCin and I have spoke about with each other a bit We are both in agreement that some of the misfits have already read this site.Certainly not the 3 still in lock-up but Lisa and Ali most likely have.Actually I think you might have had dealings with one of thier fans not long ago but I'm not sure.Either way we are pretty sure they are aware of this site...
I wonder if after you have gotten all the transcripts together maybe we could put a PDF file together so we could get a look at them also. Just a thought.
I have seen the A&E Doc also and it really does give you a good look at the mentalaty these misfits are walking around with.Certainly no remorse from any that I could see...
I actually own the dvd of the A&E show and I noticed that Ali and Lisa were definately trying to talk their way out of their involvement in the crime. They were making every excuse why they took part in what happened and what they did and did not participate in, but neither one of them ever said that they felt any responsibility for what happened. Even if what they say is tru (which by the way I do not believe for one second) they should feel some type of remorse for just being there watching a man get killed. And Derek, I agree that he thinks he is a big man now because he took part in a murder and spent time in jail. I think his 15 minuted ended a long time ago and his myspace page is a way for him to relive his "glory days" of "fame". Toni Lawrence, one the girls who took party in the torture and murder of Shanda Shearer, had a myspace page doing the same thing. I don't know when it ever became looked upon as favorable for being part of a murder but these two seem to think that they have some type of celebrity status out there.
I know that I can't decide what I feel about Marty. I can't really make up my mind if he is a victim or not. Like I said before, years of physical and emotional abuse could make someone do something they would not under any circumstances do otherwise.
Everything I get from the courts I will be glad to share. If anyone of these social parasitic little crybabies or their family members would like to explain to me why they actually deserve to be walking the streets, I am actually very interested in listening. The drug induced state of mind of a bunch of drop outs, to me just really ins't a good excuse. Perhaps the Suburban Psychosis would have been a better defense. As far as this internet goes, anyone can hide behind it. Talking tough isn't my game. Step out from behind the screen, let yourself be seen. The punks involved are still punks. It's a shame.
That would be great, Cas, Id love to see any court documents related to the case. Id also like to get the American Justice show that Mom77 mentioned, Id post it to YouTube for everyone to watch. Do they still sell it?
The thing about Bobby Kent being a bully, to me, is negated by the fact that they brought him out to the area with the express purpose of murdering him. Kent wasnt forcing himself into their activities (he didnt even know most of them), and even Marty could have rid himself of Kent's overbearing presence by simply avoiding him. Instead, they all forced themselves on him, with Marty badgering him until he reluctantly agreed to go out there. Releasing Lisa from prison because she didnt do the actual stabbing is like releasing Charlie Manson for the same reason. It wouldnt have happened except for her sick twisted obsessive influence on the others.
For All Who Might Be Interested !
Starting this week I will be adding a new feature for everyone to join in on if you are interested.
I have registered a message board/forum for this site and have been spending my free time (while not watching the grandkids) getting it set up and ready to go.I thought it might be easier than posting comments here like we have been doing plus there are more features that you can use.
There really is a huge amount of interest in this story and our visits to the site are growing more and more every day.Actually, we are getting visits from around the world from places I'm amazed they have even ever heard of this case.
Well, enough rambling on for now. I hope every one of you will enjoy the forum and feel free to join up and make it a sucessful venture...
I will let you all know as soon as the board is up and running.
Thank You all for adding to this site and I look forward to hearing from you all soon...
Just a quick note to let you all know that the message board in now up and running.Hope you will all join and enjoy...
Message Board
In this truly historic and stunning moment in the history of this country's 200+ years, let me post off topic here one time and say:
I am very proud indeed to be an American tonight.
Don Alex
Happy Birthday Don !!!
New study shows bullies like to watch suffering
By Christina Boyle
Daily News Staff Writer
Friday, November 7th 2008, 4:41 PM
A new study shows that aggressive males - those who bully others - may actually enjoy seeing them suffer. Bullies really do take pleasure in other people's pain.
A new study of brain activity shows that aggressive males may enjoy watching others suffer.
Professors at the University of Chicago analyzed the reactions of a group of teenagers with, and without, a history of violent behavior while they watched video clips of strangers enduring pain.
They found that while both groups showed a surge in activity in the brain's pain centers, the aggressive youths also showed an uptick in activity in the pleasure centers - suggesting they might actually be enjoying what they were seeing.
"They're not only indifferent to the pain, they love it - maybe," said Dr. Benjamin Lahey, co-author of the study and professor of epidemiology and psychiatry at the University of Chicago.
"They're responding to others being hurt, but in a way that's self-reinforcing."
The study, published in the journal Biological Psychology, studied the reactions in 16 male youths aged 16 to 18.
Eight had "conduct disorder," a mental disorder characterized by aggressive, destructive or harmful behavior toward others, and had started fights, used weapons or stolen from a victim after a confrontation.
The authors used specialized MRI scans to monitor brain activity and said they expected to find the aggressive youths exhibit an emotionally indifferent response to witnessing pain in others, not an increase in activity.
Instead the unusually aggressive young men had a strong "pleasure" response to the videos clips of people experiencing pain both accidentally and intentionally.
"It just dumbfounded us," Lahey said.
I am appalled at the harsh sentence that has been givin to Marty. He has all of the symptoms of a battered child or woman. you take and take and take your beatings, usually for no apparent reason, just so that they will stop. You think about all of the hurt that has been brought to you from someone who is supposed to be there for you and take care per se.
you know that you cant take it anymore, start wondering if it will ever end. Start thinking of ways to get out of the bad situation. You have talked to your parents but they dont want to listen. you try to hide, but they find you. you look at them wrong, and you are beat to a pulp yet again.
SNAP!! You have now officially fell over the edge and the only way that your overloaded brain sees to fix all of this so that you are not hurt anymore is to make it stop. you are too past making it stop politely, plus you know that wont work anyway, so you viciously stop the hurt- dead.
You just snap. It doesnt make you an animal, just a poor soul that has no where left to be pushed to, so you have to shove back.
I'm glad to see that people are eager to stand by Marty Puccio. He was pushed and pushed, so he pushed back. Gee, Marty isnt dead, is he? Because Bobby Kent is. Not only is he dead, he was savagely slaughtered like an animal. So it must be okay. So if a child gets molested, its okay when he grows up to be the molestor? Open your eyes. Marty has turned to GOD, just like they all do in prison. Let him stay where he is and spend the rest of his life living in a cell. Bobby Kent is not afforded that luxury.
I am glad bobby kent is dead. i hope he died in pain.
Hello I know I am behind the times but I watched the movie yesterday and was just pulled into the story it was 3 in the morning and I had to keep watching it. However I knew that even though it says based on a true story you can only take that with a grain of salt. I have expereinced that first hand. So I am not sure how to feel. Unless you went back in time and witnessed it you will never know because everyone wants to save their own ass. So I mean people wou say it yourself you read the book and felt one way then say the movie and felt the other. I mean they both are just one person's recollection of what happened and you will never know for sure. And people like subterranean cinema or whatever you sit here and accuse people of being lisa and derek or whatever how the hell we dont know if you are part of the kent family or heather or something. You sure are taking everything so personal like you were wronged I feel that this is an interesting story that we should read and be informed about but we will never ever know the whole story just what some one wants us to think.
bobby kent was a sadistic narcisistic arsehole, i met him when i was seven years old, he was friends with my older brother, one time i was at his house and he made me watch a porno he had made of an old man playing with and sucking a dildo, he asked me if i liked it, i said "no its grose", he got real mad andshoved my face into the tv screaming "watch it, fucking watch it" my brother tried to stop him but he threatened my brother also, after he did that i never went back to his house, but i am so glad he was killed he deserved worse, marty is the man and i hope bobby kent suffered, i mean really really suffered in pain, stop saying bad things about lisa her and ali done their time, so get the fuck over it, i hope them ladies are enjoying life andu losers should respect that the situation is NONE OF UR BUSINESS and WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO JUDGE
Ill tell you who "we" are to judge: we're members of the American public, and when it comes to ANY murder in this country, it is most definitely "our business", and that of every other citizen of this country who is interested in keeping murderous psychotic human trash like Marty Puccio and Lisa Marie Connelly off the streets and locked in a steel box where they belong. That's why they choose juries from people like us, because it is in ALL of our interests to convict bad people and remove them from American society, to keep things like this from happening again at their hands. Get it?
As for your alleged tale about Kent forcing you to watch gay porno when you were seven years old, I notice that every detail of your "story" comes from the book "Bully", including the details about the "old man" and the dildo. To put it more simply (in deference to your intellect), I dont believe you. This isnt the first time someone has posted here pretending to have been personally involved with Kent, and it probably wont be the last.
By the way, we dont use the term "arsehole" in the US. If you want to convince people that you were a schoolboy in Florida, it will help if you can keep from sounding like you were a schoolboy in London.
Murder is murder, period. If you dont see that, then you are the loser, mate. We're going to continue to discuss this case and state our JUDGEMENTS about the participants pro and con, and if that offends you, then surf onward.
(by the way, BJC, saw your IMDB postings about "Stevie" ... gotta love that personal ad of his, dontcha? LOL!)
Alexander said...
(by the way, BJC, saw your IMDB postings about "Stevie" ... gotta love that personal ad of his, dontcha? LOL!)
Yes that Stevie is quite the ladies man isn't he?
Thats another case/story I find fasinating for some reason.I never had a doubt he would only get worse in prison.Now he will be released into society to commit another crime against someone's child.
Nice to see you back Alexander...
BJC, yeah, to go "off topic" for a minute: "Stevie" is a brilliant and very disturbing documentary. When I first saw it, I thought he was getting a raw deal and I felt rather sorry for him. Now I think he probably got what he deserved, especially since it was mostly due to his own arrogance and stupidity in not accepting a plea deal to begin with that put him in there.
Hopefully when he gets out (if he's not already), the director will make a short film "sequel" so we can find out how Stevie's prison years were, and if the "Aryan" blowhard in the film who predicted doom for him was correct or not. Im also curious if his poor Grandma managed to live long enough to see him again (I felt more sorry for her than anyone else).
Finally, Id like to know if that bizarre dating ad got him any responses. The details about what he likes in a woman were a little bit more information than I needed to know about Stevie's psychology, ya know what I mean? LOL! ;)
Another IMDB message board you might find interesting is the one for the "Paradise Now" murders, a great ironic case to put next to this one, because I believe that theyve had three truly innocent men locked away for decades paying for crimes they had nothing to do with, while one guilty bastard still runs free. If you think sentiments run hot over the Bobby Kent case, read the ones there, they get absolutely hateful with each other. (Be forewarned, if you jump into the debate there in defense of the "WM3", expect to be attacked by a few obsessive and unsane wackos who will call you a "serial killer groupie".)
Thanks BJC, and Ill be back here whenever anything new is posted that I feel I can contribute something to (like this last person, who Id bet a thousand dollars has never even stepped foot in the state of Florida ... I couldnt let that one pass without comment).
alexander, i think u mite be bobbys dad and it was you in the movie, sounds like you know a bit about being a schoolboy in florida 2, i dont know where you went to school but excuse your poor education ASSHOLE try lookig in a fucking DICTIONARY, i have never read the book but i think i might now, i am 100% for real unlike yourself
CMF: actually, we do have one thing in common (and only one thing, Im sure): neither of us has ever been to the state of Florida. At least in my case, I admit it. I dont have to make attention bids here by pretending to be personally involved in the case. I wouldnt WANT to be personally involved with any of the people involved, especially Bobby Kent.
See, if your obviously limited intellect could manage to read and digest all of the earlier postings by me and others to this message board, youd know that nobody has ever tried to paint Kent as anything but the psychotic jerk that he was. We're not wearing black armbands over his non-existence in the world. Its just that most of us dont believe in Murder. If you do, then youre the one that needs psychological help, kid. It's called basic human morality. Study into it.
Be careful, BJC, next he'll be pretending to be the girl that "Stevie" went to prison over, ya know what I mean? LOL! ;)
I would like to see Steve James do a follow-up on Stevie F. but I'm pretty sure we'll never see one for many reasons.I also thought Grandma was a truely sad lady who tried her best with Stevie but there were to many other outside people involved at the time.Brenda also seemed to be the sane one of the bunch.It is an interesting story.
Also, I have seen all of the WM3 Documentaries and have done extensive research on that case as well as this case/story.I have always meant to put together a post like this of that case/story too but have really not had the time yet.It is more work than it may seem to put it all together but some time soon I will get around to it.After all I've seen and read I do have my own opinion on who the killer is and it's not the three kids (men now) who they have locked-up.For now I'll just say JMB...
P.S. I wouldn't consider myself a "serial killer groupie" but I probably could be called a "Fanatic" on real crime cases/stories.I see from you're posts that we are pretty much the same in that respect.Hey, it's what we do right ?
WOW!!! I have been off for a little bit and got a chance to catch up with some of the comments. Very interesting. It must be excellent to have been chosen by the only Being whom may sit in judgement of anyone. To hide behind a computer and imply that someone should be dead because of what he has done, should sit and look at themselves. Unless you were there and have absolute concrete proof of what has happened, OH....hold on, I'm sorry I see that when someone was seven they were forced to endure the wrath of Mr. Kent. Where did I see and read that before? Not to defend what Kent allegedly had done, but whomever he did things to...they arent dead. And a bunch of wanna be's getting together and committing Premeditated Murder is not the way to solve problems. Now, I know.....FUCK ME, right?
Actually, John Mark Byers is now on the side of the WM3!!
Its hard to believe after all of his psychotic ranting in the first two films, especially that infamous moment by his wife's gravesite where he turns to the camera and chews the scenery beyond anything even Marlon Brando or Richard Burton could have achieved on their most Ed Wood day, just shameless overacting to the extreme. But apparently Byers finally got on the right meds, and he's surprisingly rational these days, and he believes the WM3 didnt do it. Pam Hobbs, the mother of one of the murdered kids (Steven Branch I think) is also in favor of the WM3 getting a new trial.
And here's where the new twist to the case comes in (which will be the subject of Paradise Lost 3, currently in production): the strongest suspect now is Terry Hobbs, the ex-husband of Pam Hobbs, and stepfather of Steven Branch (just as JMB was stepfather to Christopher Byers). Read up about him and his friend, and their strange behavior the day of the killings, and the knife ... the new developments will stun you. The look on Pam Hobbs face when she discusses it (clips are on Youtube) says it all.
(Probably the best place to get a good update on the developments in the case since the last film is the Wikipedia page.)
well alexander this is a BOBBY KENT & MARTY PUCCIO blog could u try to STICK TO THE FUCKING TOPIC ASSHOLE!!!! u make this site boring with your argumentative debate style views i have sat here and read all your comments and it sounds to me like you very certainly are a member of the kent family atleast i thimk if your not you must be seriously warped in the head like they are, i think lisa should enjoy her life and be happy, i think bobby should rot in pieces. and FUCK OBAMA i voted for mcain what a disgrace to america, americans, and american history alike!!!!!!
So who died and made you the moderator of this blog, punk? It's up to BJC to decide what can and cant be posted here, and I think he's been very fair in allowing your infantile rantings. You seem to be doing just fine hanging yourself by your own tongue, kid.
So by admitting that you voted for McCain/Palin, that's supposed to make you sound intelligent somehow? Oh, by the way, your voting history is also "off topic", so dont be a hypocrite in addition to a liar, little man. Take your sexual fantasies about Bobby Kent's porno videos to another blog if you cant handle the heat, sunshine. Thanksomuch.
People have their own opions but the fact is no one but those people were there that night. Next Ali and Heather were not hookers. People please get facts straight first. Next, when you wish bad things to happen to other people they often come back on you.
Ali and Heather were portrayed as hookers in the book. Although I don't believe everything I read, do you have first hand knowledge that they werent?
And by the way C.M.F., you are a coward. I hope someday you get to suffer horrible pain..No, perhaps seeing someone close to you! You want to sit in judgment of people? Karma is a straight up BITCH! If you think you are so bad, lets find out who you are!!
Subterranean Cinema:
I have to say, I found all your comments especially interesting. It was almost like you were reading my mind at times, but I do have a question for you, do you have children? Because your comment about feeling sympathy for the Kent family surprised me, with respect to how you so eloquently expressed how you feel about Lisa's family, which I have to agree with you 100%, why don't you feel like Bobby's parents had some resposibility in his behavior? From my stand point there seemed to be COMPLETE lack of parental supervision or involvement all across the board here. I am a parent, and my children are very young at this point, but when I first saw this movie, it scared me, in more ways that one, I worry that my child could be either one of these kids, the bully, or the bullied! I actually have thought about this movie/case being something that I do allow my children to see when the are old enough and it is relavent to them, just to enforce the idea of "consequences". And that is what EVERYONE was forgetting here, especially the parents, why isn't Bobby's parents just as much guilty for raising, encouraging, ignoring, or teaching Bobby to treat people the way that he did, allowing it to happen? Personally, I feel no more remorse for the Kent family than I do for Lisa's or Marty's (which let me make it clear, I think they were all trash, I don't condone murder, I completelly agree with all the comments about choosing to walk away, the whole thing was premediated, and Lisa SHOULD NOT be out because she masterminded the entire thing). Having said that though, Bobby's parents were just as much scum, inattentive, enabling POS parents as Lisa's or any of the other kids for that matter. Why shouldn't the parents, that being ALL the parents, have to face the consequences of their action or lack there of as parents. They did not instill something morally in Bobby, or maybe he had a pre-disposition to mental illness and they didn't get him help, regardless, Bobby was their responsibilty. And as parents they failed him, all the parents failed those kids, and they should all be ashamed...
This is a very interesting site, I can hardly BELIEVE how sucked into this case, I am!!
Again,Subterranean Cinema, this is just "friendly fire" LOL, like I said I do agree with you on many, many things here, just interested to hear your thoughts on this point! Please be gentle with me, this is my very first time as a (Blogger) : )
Yeah, Bobby's parents bear the responsibility of raising a true sonofabitch for a son, no doubt about that. I do feel sorry that they had to go thru the loss of a child in an absolutely sadistic way, that must be terrible, but I dont think they are blameless. Im sure Bobby put on a good act for them (something that was shown in the film), but at some point, parents DO have to take their share of the blame for raising a monster. ALL of the parents in this case should hang their heads in shame over what they created.
I dont have kids myself, and after watching BULLY, Im glad I practiced safe sex in the 80s (lol). ;)
Sub Cin,
Always good to read your posts. I deal with kids, some rotten to the core, and I must say the majority of the time, there is accountablility on behalf of the parents. Some of these kids are wonderful actors. They are guided angels for their parents. Some parents are just clueless. You always see......."Not my kid". Reading the book and seeing the movie, which I have watched countless times, it would be real easy to pass judgement on the parents. Some of them anyway. But being a law enforcement officer in the real world knowing what these kids and young adults are capable of, I dont want to pass judgement on the parents. How about we look at the kids involved. Does anybody know that Bobby Kent was indeed a bully to the extent that the movie and book portrayed him to be? I ask seriously, not in a rhetorical manner. And even if he was, do we blame the parents for not knowing what was going on? Do we blame the parents of the other kids? Does anyone think that if the parents had known about the plot, which I believe was premeditated, that they would have said go do it? They all knew right from wrong and went ahead with their plans. Unfortunately this is just one story. It is becoming a common occurrance.
I, too, have young children. I raise them to be polite, respectful, well mannered kids. I am a realist. As I certainly hope they follow the path they are brought up on, they will get friends that Im sure will be questionable. I wont be there every minute of their lives. I hope they walk away when it comes to doing something they shouldnt do. But can I be held accountable for what they do? Keep posting.
Hi Cas,
My current reading is the recently released book about Columbine by Dave Cullen ... its absolutely essential reading for you and everyone else that has been interested in the BULLY case, there are so many ironic parallels that it would take me at least 20 paragraphs to describe them all here (and after Ive finished the book in a few days, maybe Ill come back and do it).
Eric Harris was a flat out psychopath (as I believe were both Marty Puccio and Bobby Kent), but Dylan Klebold is the real cypher in that story, the one that you cant just label one way or the other, despite his horrific acts. You get a really odd sympathy for him and his sadness and yearning for love and to be a good person, until the psychotic Harris entered his world and warped his mind just as surely as Manson did any of his "followers".
The parents of Klebold are very different than the others too. The arrogant father of Eric Harris is very much like the Connellys and the others in this BULLY case, but the Klebolds ... I feel very sorry for them indeed, and I dont feel they share nearly the blame as Harris and the parents in this case. Sometimes its not their fault, and they just didnt see the problem with the kid until it was too late, despite their very best intentions, and with the Klebolds, I think that's true.
As I said, its a very engrossing book in the same way that BULLY was, I recommend getting it asap for everyone reading this. Let me know what you think after you do. :)
Hey All
It's nice to see you all back and keeping the comments going. I wanted to tell you all that last week the site reached it's first 100,000th visitor. Not bad for a site I had very little hope for in it's first year up. So thank you all for making me feel like I did do something good with the site after all. And also thanks to Sub Cin for sending some of the traffic my way. Very much appreciated my friend.
Peace to you all
Also,Alexander thanks for all the new info on the WM3. I had no idea things had progressed so much. I need to keep on top of things better...
I don't know where to start.... I grew up with most of theese kids, and beeing a parent myself, you are never prepared for whats in store. You CANT control kids just try to steer them in the right direction! I went to middle school and high school with Lisa and I was close with Alli way before all this. We all spent many nights at each others houses. When I had heard about it from friends, I just couldnt bring myself to watch the news or read the paper.... I just wanted to be in denial. One late night at home when the movie first aired.... i was flippin thru channels and came accross it.... not knowing what it was! I have to say, it was very well directed and the cast was pretty on point. 30 minutes into the film, I finally realized what I was watching. I couldnt stop. Growing up with Lisa, she was always the center of attention but never a red flag went up to think this could go down. Ali and I recently found each other online and keep in touch once in awhile.... I don't judge people for what they have done, NO BODY IS PERFECT. I had a run in with Marty at the Broward County Jail once while visiting my dear friend. It was his 1st week in jail. We had a few words spoken thru the glass/phone. I recognized him. It was short. I have to say that your website is very educational for those that are curious. I still live in the Area where we all grew up. I hope all you people with negative opinions (not saying murder is ok) need to think about all you have done and hope no body EVER judges YOU! Things I have learned in my 33 years of life here..... There are times when your a bully or even times your beeing bullied but in those times you dont think before you react... especially as a kid. All you can hope for is that some day, you do become the best you can be and learn from your mistakes. Unfortunately for Marty and them they had to learn a hard way. But people do make it out alright... for instance, my dear friend I was visiting in Jail.... He spent 15 years in Prison for crap he did as a kid. He was a good kid. Just got caught up with the wrong people! I can tell you now, He is a better man now than ever. I am so proud of him. He makes all the right choices in life and now... he has it all! To the person who started this website, I wish you luck and hope the best for Marty. C
Hi guys, great blog! It's been extremely helpful in understanding in some of the background of what actually happened. I live in Weston, Fl where the murder apparently happened. My brother saw the movie and told me that it was a true story and it happened where i lived, so naturally I was curious, so I rented it. Can anyone give me more of a specific address or location. Weston is not a huge city, but it's not only one neighborhood either, so if anybody has more specifics, I would appreciate it. By, the way much of the movie seems to have been shot in Hollywood, Pembroke Pines and Cooper city, Fl all are within a 20 minute drive from Weston.
Anyone who believes the pure crap that's written on the free Lisa Connolly page is a sap. WTF? Oh, poor, poor, Lisa, she didn't know what was going on, it was all Puccios fault, she was brainwashed - Bullsh*t! She should still be in jail. If they let her out, then why not let them all out? That website is a bunch of false accusations (which is ironic, since they say that's what happened to Lisa). She should've been left to rot in jail.
I have posted here before as FIDO.
Google "Highlands County Clerk of Courts". Do a criminal records search for Lisa. She wore out her welcome here. You can find her in the Ft Lauderdale area now.
By the way, if you were to meet Lisa's father you would walk away with a much different impression than what was painted to sell works of fiction.
It doesn't matter how much they were bullied, unless they were in fear for their lives or were in imminent danger from bobby kent (which they weren't) they had no right to take another human beings life period. I do love watching some people try to rationalize what they did and make excuses for why any of them should ever see the light of day again. I say to those who have sympathy for any of these hoodlums to imagine it was your child that was gutted and left to die with the crabs and gators just sad.
Thanks Sub Cin. I don't get on the site much due to my work load. One of our cases is a young man (early 20's). He entered a females home that he had known. He robbed and raped the female and her cousin. He then brutally murdered one and her two infants. He thought he had murdered the cousin as well. His parents were in court saying what a good boy he was. Perhaps they had bullied him? Can anyone direct me to Paradise?
For me, its the sadistic and cruel nature of the killing that makes it not so easy to forgive. Bobby Kent was literally begging for his life, and for several agonizing minutes, he was conscious enough to realize that he was being slaughtered by his "best friend" and others, and that his life was over, as he felt the knife ripping into his guts and the bat breaking his skull open. It's one thing to shoot someone dead in a fit of sudden anger and then regret it afterwards, but this was planned over the course of weeks and months (mostly by the sociopathic Lisa Marie Connelly) and carried out with extremely sadistic glee (mostly by the sociopathic Marty Puccio). Bobby wasn't forcing himself into Marty's crowd at all, in fact he didn't want to hang out with them, and was only there that night because he was invited under false pretenses. It's the same with the Manson murders, they literally butchered several innocent people, including a very pregnant woman, and that's why NONE of them should ever be release from prison for any reason, including those who have claimed for decades to have "found Jesus". These kinds of especially heinous and heartless murders should automatically keep one in prison literally until they bring you back out in a pine box.
Im just now finishing the other Columbine book, which is subtitled "A True Story", by Jeff Kass, and it is in fact a much better book than the more well know and media-touted "Columbine" by Dave Cullen. In Cullen's book, he dwelt overly on the aftermath of the shootings, and especially the overrated school principal, Frank DeAngelis (or as the book reminds us ad nauseum, "Mr D" to his "adoring" students). Incredibly, the Cullen book barely even mentions the names of the Columbine victims, with almost no detail at all about who they were. The Cullen book is very effective when it comes to shooting down the Columbine "myths", like that Harris and Klebold were out for "revenge against bullies and jocks" (they wanted to BE the bullies), or that Cassie Bernall claimed to believe in God and was murdered for it (she never got a chance to say anything and the "God remark" came from across the room, a girl who's life was spared after saying it) or that the two shooters were gay (although they were both definitely virgins when they died). However, "A True Story" really delves deeply into the stories of Harris and Klebold, to explain exactly what happened and how it happened. Of the two books, the Kass one is definitely preferable over Cullen (and with a $20 list price on each one, some people may have to choose between the two). Plus, your local library probably has a copy of Cullen that you can check out for free, but Kass isnt as widely distributed and most libraries wont have it.
Ok i seen this move last night, for some reason i woke up in the middle of the night and seen it on, and decided to look at the info on it. well it seemed sort of interesting, so as i was still tired i started to watch it, then started getting very interested in this film. Its one of those movies, where the filmakers clearly show you the protagonist and antagonist. well I had very mixed emotions about it at the end, and felt bad for the harsh punishments placed on the individuals esp. marty. well I had no clue it was a true story, which immediatly gave me "goosebumps" and the shivers. I was in awe, and certainly thought it was a fascinating story. so two minutes after i seen "based on a true story" i ran to the computer to look it up. When i seen the real size of bobby kent, i understood why it might have taken so many to bring a man like that down.
Now im not sayin any of them are justified in what they did, but i certainly do not think any of them should spend life in prison, or even more than 10 years....
In my own opinion though, I do believe that bobby kent got what he deserved, if most of what he did to the the women and marty in "Bully" is true and accurate, then damn right i beleive he deserved what he got. maybe not in such a way but nonetheless.
I mean why should one man be able to ruin the lives of many, when you can take the mans life, and save more....
Anyway I beleive they should all be released if not already, Fascinating story, great site ty for the great information
I actually live in hollywood florida where the murder took place.My best friend actually moved into the kent house after they left florida we actually still get letters for the family till this day the reall story explained the move a little better i belived with permission Id like to post some of the letter for the kent family this hit me pretty hard especially it happing in my home town i actually live in ebassy lakes till this day
i actually lived in hollywood and my best freind moved into the kent house after the family moved out we still get letters for them until this day I think this shit just went way to far this story hit me real close to home because i actually live in embassy lakes i thing lisa should still be in jail she thought it all out but then agian the bastard raped her
I know there is a link around that shows the spot of the murder on Google Earth. I thought I had it posted here but I see I don't so I'll have to search it out and post it.
I'll do my best to find it as soon as I can.
Thank You
Thanks BJC but with some researching,I found out that the murder took place at the north end of the intersection of Saddle Club Road and South Post Road in Northwest Weston. If you enter in saddle club rd & south post rd, weston 33327 mapquest will show the location. Bobby Kents Body was dumped in the canal north of the intersection. And, knowing that Weston Regional Park (adjacent to intersction)was not yet built at the time of the murder I'm almost positive thats where the "group" parked their cars on that unbuilt dirt road.
On a side note, where the group decided to murder bobby is still to today a highly secluded location, There's some houses across the canal but those houses were'nt built until the late 90's. Bobby could have screamed for help for hours and probably would'nt have been heared. Also, saddle club road has easy access to a major expressway via Indian Trace Blvd. Perfect for an easy getaway to the beach.(Just 25 minutes away)
Thanks for the information and please do post anything that you wish to share.We all are interested in new and additional information on the story.
Thank you too.I did post the code to get the map on GE but I would like to copy this post of yours to the main page if ok with you ?
bjc !
Sure BJC, anything I can do to help!
This crime is such that anyone who reads the story or watches the movie can't help but to indentify. Not so much with the characters, but with the whole situation. Who amongst us hasn't been bullied, or threatned, or pressured into doing something we normally wouldn't do.
I hope my previous post helps someone get a better idea of the location and setting of this heinous crime.
I knew Bobby and Marty. I was a year ahead of them in high school and was good friends with Bobby's sister. Bobby was a sweet kid from a good family (when I knew him). Marty was a punk from a family of punks. Bobby's family was shattered because of Marty and his gang of punks. This still makes me sad and its been so long since this happened.
I hate to go back almost a year, but if you bother to read Derek's myspace you can clearly see he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He said he never would have gone had he known there was a murder taking place, and that he thought it was just going to be an ass whupping. He said the whole gang was saying "We're gonna kill him" before hand, but that they had done it so casually and never flashed any weapons he assumed it was going to be an ass whipping.
Seriously. Read his blog post where he answers questions. He talks about how much he regrets it and that he is a truck driver now because of how impossible it is to find a job. He NEVER would have gone had he known they had planned on killing Kent the night before. The only reason he went to jail is because Lisa took his bat.
Read before you judge, Derek is one of the most innocent people in this case.
I can't speak for anyone else here but I have read Derek Dzvirko's posts. I don't just post things without reading them first.
I could say he is one of the least guilty of the bunch but not the most innocent of them. There is a big difference between the two.
BTW: there are millions of people who are hurting for jobs and they never murdered anyone so that doesn’t make Dzvirko unique.
And one last thing you might want to consider. Posting as anonymous will not get people to listen as they might if you used an actual name.
Just a suggestion...
The reason that Derek went to jail was because he took part in a murder. I read his myspace. He is a real tough talker. He did a little stint in prison, that doesnt make him the tough guy he thinks he is. These kids talked about a murder and it was casual? Oh well!! Perhaps fat Derek would like to go with some real men and only receive an "ass whipping"!
lime wire doesn't have bully on shared files.... someone please put it on so i can download it!
Kathrine you can always get the movie here...
Be careful with LimeWire. A very good friend of mine received an extremely hefty fine for copyright infringement.
We have all been bullied in some form or another but no matter what that person may have done, they aren't worth spending life in prison. It may happen as an adolescent or teenager but we grow up and learn from it without having to resort to the premeditated killing of someone. If the guy was so bad that he was raping and assaulting his friends, report him and get the hell away from him. Why stick around long enough that he not only abuses you, but everyone you bring in contact with him? These were kids who had seen abuse in all forms all around them and they were never taught that they were supposed to leave at the first sign of such behavior. Its in that way the parents have some responsibility.
I read on Wikipedia that there is still uncertainty if it was Derek D or Marty that was in involved in the throwing of the body into the canal? Seems like that would be a major detail that there should be no confusion about all these years later?
Like everyone else, I don't agree with killing anyone. I think everyone should have been punished for this crime, which they did, but like everyone else has said, why is marty getting the raw end of the deal. The hitman, who didn't even know the guy, who brutally took him out, should have been the one that got the death penalty, and yes, the girlfriend should have been given a harsher sentence as well. But if everyone notices, she does get raped as well. And that baby is possibly bobby's. So, someone should do a dna test on marty. But this whole movie makes you interested in it. I don't condone what anyone did, but he was a monster. I know his parents loved him, and thought the world of him, but they should have all realize that he is a monster. And I didn't think that the girlfriend did it to just have him to herself as everyone keeps claiming. Didn't people actually watch the movie? She was being bullied as well, just not as bad as marty. But she was also trying to protect him. She saw how bad he was. This wasn't only to keep him to herself. It was also to keep everyone safe. He was just horrible. And honestly if he was still alive today, he would probably be out there raping women and men.
YOu watched a movie, and formulated an opinion....just like everyone else. He is a "monster", he is "horrible". ?????"If he was alive today he would be raping woman and men"???? Im certainly glad you put yourself on a pedastal. So, what numbers will come out in the lottery tomorrow? You can tell the future. Excellent!!!! There is only one being that can sit in judgement. The fact of the matter is that if Bobby Kent was a bully, everyone had an option to walk away. They chose to commit MURDER. Not only murder, but conspiracy, conspiracy to commit murder, aggravated assault, and an entire list of other crimes. Then they came up with an alibi. WHo is the monster here? They all should have got the death penalty and set an example.
Hi Cas77,
Glad to see you are still coming around.I was thinking when I read the last post by Anon. that this is the reason I made this blog.I admit that I had alot of misconceptions when I first saw the movie and looked on the internet to see more info.It wasn't until I dug deeper that the truth started to become clear.I thought that having all/most of the info put in one place would help others see the truth too.
I think it works too because this is a very popular blog and my stats show me every time they play the movie somewhere as it really spikes.Lot's of interest in this story/case indeed.
Hello BJC,
Always reading people posts on your site. Interested in peoples response. Curious as to why people feed into "Hollywood" portrayals without knowing the true facts. Prior to sitting in judgement of others, people should look at themselves. What gives anyone the right to say Bobby Kent was a MONSTER? Bobby Kent was the victim of a crime that was far worse than anything that anyone ever alledged that he did. Bobby Kent was savagely murdered. This, act of alledged vegeance by his so called friends. Friends that had to plot and lure him away under false pretenses. Then these punk kids tried to cover up a MURDER. Who in this case is the MONSTER? Awhile ago I put up the URL for Derek Dzverko's MySpace...There is a real tough guy. Made for very interesting reading. Ive seen the pictures of him. He is nothing other than a bed wedding, fat coward. Did a couple years in prison, now he thinks he has some claim to fame. That guy will burn in hell for his act. The rest will too. Lets not lose focus here. even if Bobby Kent was a BULLY, Marty and any of his Merry Misfits could have walked away and had nothing to do with him. My heart will always go out to all the families involved. Except for Lisa's. I know their type.
No one has the right to take a life,and don't blame the drugs the bully shit,or whatever Bobby did,nothing justify taking a life and if you're sorry for theese empty heads,you got serious problems,Life is precious,and if revenge was the thing,there was a lot of shit u can do without a life,I'm Glad they were caught,just sorry for all that support this kind of things,if you're sorry for Marty,well,no one forced him,Sick people...Bobby was human,what about him?Love to see them in jail,all of them...retards...
ok apparently some people did not like my last comment. It was my opinion. Just as everyone else on here has a right to have their opinion stated. So attack them too, not just me. I have actually been talking to a couple people that were involved. LIKE I SAID I DON"T CONDONE MURDER. I ALSO SAID THEY SHOULD ALL HAVE BEEN PUNISHED AS WELL THEY DID. Now, my opinion is my opinion. You guys don't have to like it, it's not yours. It's mine. I'm not on here saying everyone is stupid or anything. But I did get some light shed on something. Bobby never raped lisa or had sex at all with her. So, really she is manipulative. And really wanted him for herself. So I'm correcting what I said in my other comment. You are right, they could have walked away, called the cops, whatever. But it didn't happen, and now it is what it is. But I am not a monster for giving my opinion. Then you are as well.
Interesting. I graduated from South Broward High School. I think I met these 2 at the YMCA. The 40 year old they had casted in a home movie I thought was a joke because the 40 year old was a bit retarded. They mistreated the guy and really the guy liked the attention. In reality neither of them where arnold terminator big they where really skinny kids with no calves but large upper bodies. When you put those two kids together it was like the Greek god LOKI toke over and disaster was all around. Obviously it was the fault of the parents. If I was the father I would of packed up the bags 5 years ago and moved to a better job in New York City which of course he would of became a billionaire. This is truly one of the worst murders ever but then again it was in my back door of my neighborhood. The mafia Hit man was a fake. He was from California as for what he said but I guess that was a lie. Just another kid trying to get attention. At the moment in history thier where 3 very power gangs that ruled the south east coast of florida. The Black Panthers (mixed gender age and color), Vodoo nation which was run by 45 year olds from the mafia and some small White and black which I can not remember. I know for a fact that GANGS where a big factor (50%) of our high school fears. Thier wasnt a week that went by that we didnt hear about a death in a middle school or high school. Thier where no metal detectors and they just incorporated Resource Officers which later on Down sized the Deans (Which used to be the Security guards in School)Alot has changed since then. Maybe I should write a book about it? well I graduated in 92 and left Broward and went to Panama Canal, Howard Air Force Base. I just found out about this murder in 2009. wow I feel that I really moved on. I am back now and I hope I can shed light on 1992 Era.
Holly, you are right.You have your own opinions and you have every right to speak/post them.Thats the reason the only moderation I do on these comments is I do not alow spamming.Otherwise every comment gets published.
That said,you need to realize that some people are very passionate about this story/case and they do let it out here.people from all over the world come here to read the information.Places that amaze me that they have even heard of Bobby Kent and Marty Puccio.Anyway,you are welcome to share your comments here anytime.
Anonymous,thanks for sharing that with us.Interesting to hear about the gangs. I've heard some but never really went indepth on them.Think about a username so we can keep you straight.Just a thought...
I just watched this movie and like most of the posters on this site, I have become fascinated by it. I plan on reading the book very soon. I grew up in Tampa, Fl and had heard about this case but never really looked into it. I believe that no human being has the right to take another human being's life. I plan on doing a lot of investigating into this case and will post as many new details that I can find. A warning to anyone who may associate with Lisa Connelly... watch your back!
Those of you who would like to get an up to date picture of Derek Dzvirko can find him on Facebook. He is living in Springfield, Mo.
I assume that the baby in the picture sleeping on his chest is his.
God help that child.
This real life event should be a warning to all the Bullies out there, kids just aren't gonna take it anymore, I feel these kids could've handled it better by just givin Bobby Kent an old fashion Texas ass whoopin. I don't mean any disrespect to the Kent family, but Bobby was a mean kid with alot of problems and needed help, i know that's no reason to murder someone, but all the signs were there that something bad was gonna happen.
I strongly believe that Marty Puccio should be released from prison to spend the rest of his life on probation. Sure he'll have to walk a fine line, but it is a line he drew.
I never can understand why people think that we should think with a universal mind; when no one up bringing is identical to an others. There are so many factors, whether they’re seen or hidden that can tip the scales in opposite directions for each individual. A lot of people believe Marty crossed the line when he along with his friends found murder as there only option in a pool of less drastic measures. Yes, perhaps he should have used other methods at his disposal. But the fact is he didn’t and he is paying the price whether he is behind bars or if he gets out.
When some one is brutalized as he was, who are we to tell some one how they should react? How are we really supposed to know what kind of mental damage this can cause? If you have never been through that sort of turmoil yourself, I find it impossible for us to judge the weaker individual who has lost there way and made a huge error in judgment then acted upon it. Marty made a terrible decision I believe under other circumstances we wouldn’t even no he existed had he not had to endure the trauma and pain he suffered that thrusted him in to the forefront for all to know him as a “Murderer.”
Who are we to say that the punishment did not necessarily fit the crime? Here’s a thought for you. Maybe, just maybe, in the long run another innocent life was saved or ones mental and physical anguish spared, never having to cross paths with Bobby Kent and the abuser that he was. And what do we tell abused women? All together now, “Once an abuser, always an abuser.” Or shall we contradict ourselves to make this case the exception to that rule. I make this point to address the comments, “It doesn’t matter what the person did, they don’t deserve to die, or Kent was a child of God (and I believe he still is). The fact of the matter is we live in a country that is pro death penalty. And as of now, 3297 (give or take) inmates are on death row. You see, murder is always an option what matters is who is committing it. It doesn’t matter how you look at it murder is murder. The act of taking one’s life prematurely under any grounds is a sin. Maybe murder is not exceptable by an individual, but don’t for a second forget that in this society it is very much an option and most definitely deserved. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these inmates had similarities to Kent, different kind of victims and crimes; but same violent tendencies. So maybe Marty saved the tax payers some money. (Okaaay, shrike that last part of that).
One more thought. If it were your child that had been abused and that abuse led him/her to commit this heinous crime what would you do? Better yet if given the opportunity what would you do to his/her abuser. I’m sure you would take comfort in our justice system making sure these predators get what they deserve. Yeah……..RIGHT.
I was enjoying reading the blog on Derek's myspace page. Heather, Ali, and I guess Lisa? were all making post. I never posted anything but always read it. As of this afternoon it is now private. Bummer!
You know what is funny? The fact that so many of you have things to say about people you do not know.. I, in fact, do know those involved and I know Derek D personally and you have no clue what you are talking about regarding his involvement in this. Regardless, the thing that always gets me is the idiots who believe that the movie was at all factual, please I was there, it was nothing but a porn movie made by Larry Clark and sadly, too many think what was said and how these people acted, i.e. sex in cars, walking around naked. the drugs which were not present on the night in question, nor did Derek D ever drink or take drugs in his life, but the funniest thing is Lisa running around naked, NEVER happen, not to mention the slut they made ali and heather out to be, um nope and donnie as dumb as that, really he was nothing like that, the music was eminem in that movie and I can tell you that unless you were under a rock, you would know that eminem didn't come out until 1999. Larry Clark wanted a soft core porn movie made here, these are not facts, not even their sentences are correct, it's all bullshit and it makes me laugh that you people watch this movie or read that book by an author who never met those in this case, and take it as fact, you can't even decide who lifted Bobby's body into the water, you need to stop being so judgemental and if you want to learn something you should be smart enough to come and find out yourself and if you really smart then you might know who I am if you have ever been on Derek's blog... wake up people
Deborah, I just read your comment about Derek D.'s photo and his child. You are rude and obnoxious. Please post and apology ASAP here. Then send one to Derek D. personally. God should not help his child. God should help insensitive people like you. Thank you.
Thanks Jimmy.. regarding the pic of D and his daughter and the person who was so rude to write that comment.
Also, the blog is now private because of ignorant people and their pathetic excuses to hide behind a computer with threats they will never follow thru on. I would like to make this clear as I am running that blog for Derek because he is a friend of mine, as is Heather and Ali and the audacity of some of you is amazing to me. I don't know the person who runs this particular blog but I would like to chat with you personally as there are many inaccuracies. As for coming over to Derek D's blog, I am the one that is deciding who is added or not so if you don't have a picture of yourself and I don't know you, you won't be added and it's because of some of you that the blog is now private which is entirely my responsibility as Derek had it open to all, as he has nothing to hide. It's amazing how people judge others and as I tell the readers and posters on that board, you need to get to know these people and read up on the case and the inaccuracies to form an opinion that would be fair.
Just one little thing to point out about Derek D., he had no knowledge that Ali or Lisa had gone to Weston the night before the murder with a gun. Although Ali was in no way going to kill Bob and was just letting Lisa run her mouth, they were there but Derek never found this out until they were in court. Had he known that they had gone up the night before, he wouldn't have been there. He only went because Lisa asked him to come. He was never present at any of those conversations, never went to Derek K's house to discuss a murder. Derek knew nothing and was called a few hours before the murder by Lisa to come with regarding a problem with Bobby. This is all documented, unlike the movie has protrayed Derek as being at Derek K's house and part of this whole conspiracy. He had no idea. He was asked to bring a baseball bat and that is why Derek did time. He did time because the bat he brought was used to kill Bobby Kent by Derek K that night and had he not brought that bat, he would not have been in jail. You need to also know that both Marty and Lisa had been put up for the weekend so that they could get representation before turning themselves in.
Part 2
An anyonomous call was made by Eileen, a friend of Lisa's after Lisa opened her mouth, which mind you, she had told at least 20 people in the week before the murder that she wanted him dead and asked for others to come along with her. When Eileen made that call, Lisa and Marty split while Derek and Heather went to the police and Ali went and gave a full statement. Due to the lack of involvement and their innocence, Derek D and Heather were given plea's and the reason they even plead was because Marty and Lisa took off and Derek K was gone and besides thinking that the best thing he could do would be to go to the police, they also thought that they were going to be left holding the bag for something they never did, meaning Heather and Derek D. Derek D was never given his miranda rights, again a violation because all they wanted was to get these kids in jail. Derek D brought them to the body. Another thing to mention is that Ali was told by Lisa that Bobby was going to kill her and her baby, it was a lie by Lisa to get Ali there, which she brought her boyfriend Donnie and her best friend Heather down thinking that maybe if she could calm Bob down that he would back off. The night that Lisa and Ali went to Weston with the gun, Ali was absolutely not going to kill anyone, as Lisa went on and on about how much Bob was an ass and all the things he did, Ali, who had been abused by Bob was not going to kill him just for that. That night, Ali and Bob went to Bob's house where she was raped. That night Marty said, he has got to die to those who were there and that next day when ali explained what had happened, all Donnie could do was want to kick his ass and that is what Ali,Heather, D thought. However, Donnie wasn't going to let his girl get raped so when he got there, being a kid and showing off he stabbed him, not deep enough, none of Donnies wounds were deep because he also wasn't a killer. When Marty came after Bob that is where you see the hate and the murder, when Marty stabbed him in the gut it went in seven inches and Donnie had only done superficial wounds, which doesn't exempt him at all, but there was a difference and when Bobby ran and Derek K told them to get him, Marty, who was seeing red and nothing else took that knife and slashed his throat four inches and then slashed the other side five inches and then Derek K who had told these people about this spot and told them he had killed all these people there, took over and smashed his head. As that happened, D, Ali and Heather were in the car and had been there as soon as Donnie stabbed Bob, the girls ran while Lisa looked on. Derek D would tell you that when you have a guy standing over you with a bloody bat and telling you that you better do this and that, he wasn't about to mess with him after the gruesome murder. Derek K looked and acted like he was in a gang and back in Florida, there were a few gangs then, so, they had no idea and he was not going to play around so he told them they better follo what he said and if anyone should be in jail for murder, it should be Derek K, he knew no one. He never knew Ali, he didn't know Lisa, Lisa called him two days before through a mutual friend who told her he was in a gang and he could help. Derek K had no reason or tie to be there which makes him cold blooded, where is Ali and Marty had every reason to be pissed off, however, that didn't mean Ali would kill someone.
Part 3
I just think that you need to look beyond this frigin movie people because it's all bullshit. I was there and Brad Renfro was a friend for many years and there is no way that movie even remotely told the truth. Even the cop that arrested them, Izzaria was in the movie. So many lies in that movie and people take it as gospel. Like the movie Into the Wild, where they said that Chris McCandeless had burned all his money and his ID and wanted to die, none of that was true, he had three hundered dollars on him, he had more ID than anyone would need and he was not out looking to die but people still think that movie is word for word truth about that man's life.
If you want real answers and the truth, then come visit me and I will talk to you and if you want to know the truth from Ali, Heather and D, they will answer your questions but the reason his page is private or blog is private is the jerks wanting to just start trouble. I assure you that these people are very misunderstood and no they all did things they shouldn't and as for Lisa, I think she should be in jail still as I know exactly who she is and what her game is. Up to you peeps
Hello...I have only recently become aware of this case. The day that blog went private I had started to read it, and there was a lot of information on there stating facts and not what you see in the movie and book. Unfortunately, you made it private that day and I was unable to see any more than 5 or 6 pages. I really feel it would be more beneficial to keep it public. Who cares what certain people have to say, they are ignorant anyway. It would get the truth out to more people. As of now, all I have to go by is the book and movie you know?
Hi folks! Im still here and have been reading the recent discussions/arguments with great interest, though I havent had time to sit down and participate much as Ive been very busy lately. But I do read all of the new postings as they come out here.
Ive taken a look at the MySpace pages of Derek Dzvirko and "the real Ali Willis" (nothing like milking your infamy there). Ive never had a problem with Derek being free now, I think he served a fair amount of time for his level of involvement in the murder, and he certainly has every right to participate in the virtual world as he sees fit. So we need to separate out levels of guilt, I think, and Derek's was rather low. And though I do think that Ali probably should have served a few more years than she did, I dont really have a problem with her being free either.
My main problem is with Lisa Marie Connelly being free. I think that is an absolute travesty of justice. I see here that some people (who admit to having personal involvement with some of the participants in the murder) are saying that the book and the film are not "true", but I seriously doubt that EVERYTHING in the book was wrong (though I realize that films based upon real events often do take alot of "creative license" at times and so that point is valid to a certain extent). But it sort of reminds me of other people who criticize Robert Graysmith's research into both the Zodiac and the Bob Crane murders, and the way some of them talk on internet message boards about those cases, you would think that everything in his Zodiac and Crane books was completely made up by him out of thin air so as to set up an "innocent man". I dont believe it for a second.
Now Im sure there are alot of things that the "Bully" book (and especially the movie) got wrong, and Id be very interested to find out what they are, specifically and in detail. Saying the entire book isnt true is just silly, especially when the critique comes from people who could have personal bias in favor of certain participants due to the fact that they are friends with them.
So with all due respect to the people who are posting anonymously here (not that there's anything wrong with that), please go into more detail about what exactly the book lied about. You can read my posting history here, from the first ones (when Id only seen the film) and the later ones (after I read the book and changed several of my opinions drastically). People shouldnt be demonized after theyve paid for their crimes, and I think that Derek Dzvirko paid for his. Marty, Derek K, Donnie, and Lisa are the ones I consider most deserving of punishment for it, and the first three are still receiving theirs and rightly so. I just happen to think that Lisa should still be receiving hers, if her portrayal in the book/film has ANY validity at all, and I think it does.
Thanks to everyone for keeping this very interesting blog going, its fascinating stuff and Ill be keeping an eye on future developments here.
I wouldn't believe a word from Derek D's blog. I have read it from the beginning and the basic gist of it is they all deny that they did anything.
The only person who seems to give a crap that someone was murdered was Heather. D acts like a tough guy because he went to prison. Ali acts like a typical airhead saying stupid stuff like "have some respect for the Kent family". Well if you really had any respect for the Kent's you wouldn't be running your mouth about their son who you helped kill.
As far as the person who came over claiming to know everything, well she only knows what she was told by them. Sorry but after reading the court documents and some of their posts I wouldn't believe a word they say. Heather like I said before is the only one who shows any remorse.
The only thing she says that is right is don't believe everything in the book or movie. Some things are right but in typical movie fashion things are embellished too.
Very interesting comments left. Both Pro and Anti for all parties involved. Somewhere between the Facts and the Fiction is the truth. The only people who will know the absolute truth are the participants involved. Although I have attempted over the past year to read the court transcripsts, I have been side tracked with other things. I have all the transcripts in PDF and will be glad to email them to anyone interested. Everyone should remember that in this open forum, we are referring to many people, many families were destroyed in this tragedy. Everyone has an opinion, everyone is entitled to that opinion, but try and be courteous and respectful.
Hi Cas ... Id very much like those pdf documents that you have, if you can email them to me at: subcin@aol.com, that would be great. thanks very much! :)
Cass....I would very much like a copy of the transcripts also. You can e-mail them to me at nikki.taylor143@gmail..com
Thank you very much.
To those who were involved...everyone of them say that they thought they were just going to "give Bobby an ass whoopin" but why were knives brought. They All knew what was going to happen.
I would like a copy of that as well.
Thank You !
Hello...would love to read the transcripts! If you can, please email to
Thank you in advance! It is much appreciated!!
Although I believe leaving town would have been a far better solution, I often wonder what would be next for bobby kent. To anyone who has read the medical examiners report, it is obvious by the sheer brutality of the killing that bobby had deeply offended some of these people. The ones that did not know him were friend or related to his victims. Victims of not bullying, but Rape alleged male and female, non stop physical and emotional assault. This guy was a ticking time bomb living under a shroud of clean living. Did he deserve to die for rape and assault. absolutely what the hell kind of humanitarian nation are we that we allow years of torture in lieu of a quick finish. These kids are all severfely screwed up, no doubt, and probably all belong in jail. However, stop and think how you would feel to see your child beaten and \ or raped daily by their best friend with no end in sight. It is a psycological nightmare that children are not built to handle. Piss on Marty, the laws says you kill you go to jail and he knew it but was he justified, hell yes.
I agree with the other comments about the blog. I have read up to about 80 pages of the blog and it then went private. I NEVER even commented on the blog so my picture not being there should not matter. You are going to have alot of opinions on this. So I agree that it should remain public. To the person running the blog: I understand that these people are friends of yours and that you want to defend them. I don't blame you, but not everyone without a picture has something harmful to say. By the way one of the last pages I read on the blog was about Ali having her book finished. Can you tell us more about that? Thanks
The person who runs the blog is kinda crazy. She posts more than anyone else. I would say the 4 who are released have posted 1% of all posts. The person who runs the blog (her name is Colleen I believe) posts about 50% of the time. Mostly it is her and another person (Jimmy Bergman) fighting back and forth. It is so third grade it is not even funny. I wish they would both not post and just let those involved post, but you know how it is with true crime blogs, people always want to insert themselves into the case. It is lame.
If you still have them available, I would also like a copy of the transcripts. I can be reached at jrexchandler@hotmail.com.
Hmm, last post didn't work. Cas77, if you've got the transcripts, I would love copies. Please send them to jrexchandler@hotmail.com.
I Would be very interested in those transcripts; please email them to marisa_n2000@yahoo.com.
It seems as though Cass was just pretending to have the transcripts...I have emailed him/her several times and received a reply that they lost the transcripts.....Why say you had them in the first place lol
could you pls email me the transcripts if its not too much trouble also....zahraneva@hotmail.co.uk thanks
Hey anonymous, I dont pretend to have or do anything. But a**holes like you who hide behind a computer are really pissing me off. I responded to everyone who asked. I was able to send out the transcripts from Marty. If you didnt get them, you didnt ask. As far as the rest of them, my computer pdfs are corrupt. So if you get a chance, do me a favor and go f*ck YOURSELF. Ive devoted the better part of my life to helping people, only to be subjected to jerkoffs like you. So if you have osmething to say, shoot me your email and Ill be glad to discuss it with you.
If you search Google for the transcripts you will find them. That's how I found them.
Just want to send a shout out to the man/woman who owns/runs this board for not taking the coward way out(like a certain other blog) because others don't agree with him/her. Thanks for giving us the freedom to post our true feelings instead of trying to tell us what we should believe.
While I don't know Cass77 personally I have had some interactions with him and I believe him to be an honest stand-up guy.If he said he had a problem with the files then I certainly believe him.I wish there were more like him in this world.
Blitz,Even though I am the webmaster here this is a place for all of you to discuss and give your opinions on.I created it for all of you and there will never be any censureship because I am a firm believer in freedom of speech for everyone.
BTW: I'm a 52 year old man with 5 grandkids whom two of have had dealings with school bullies.
Thanks for joining in Blitz and I hope you will continue to post your thoughts and opinions.
BJC, thank you very much for your words. Blitz, I became very interested in this case maybe a year or so ago. I had the transcripts send to me via PDF file from a contact in FLA. Unfortunately many of my own files became corrupt, not just these files. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, perhaps if annon.. wasnt hiding behind a computer, they would have the guts to email me and discuss his/her problem. There is only one person who asked for the transcripts that I did not send to, because I have not been at work. Anyone else got what I had. Blitz, again always good to direct people in the right direction. Thank you. Anyone can hide behind a computer screen. Everyone.....have a great holiday.
Although I've been remiss lately I had been writing to Marty for almost two years. I have also spoken on occasion to Ali through her now deleted myspace page. I can tell you from speaking with both of them that the abuse and bullying went beyond what you have read or heard about, even the police did not document much of what went in with Bobby Kent. Ali was terrified of Bobby for herself and her child. Marty speaks little of the case since he is still appealing for clemency but they have both stated emphatically that no one involved in the writing of the book or the making of the movie/documentary every spoke to a single person involved in the actual murder. Information was gained from bystanders and acquaintances with little or no knowledge of what actually transpired. Before coming to any conclusions please remember, the author/producers wanted to make money, not martyr Bobby Kent or tell an honest accounting of the events that led to the end of not only Bobby Kent's life but also of Marty Puccio. For those of you who do your research, you will find that neither Donny Semenek or Derek Kauffmann have behaved innocently while incarcerated. Only Marty has shown reform and remorse for his part in the death of his long time friend and tormentor. Please, pray for Marty and join any petitions you can to see him free and allow him to have a relationship with his daughter whom he loves very much. Lisa has had another child and is enjoying her freedom as are Heather, Ali and Derek D. Ali has turned her life around God Bless her. Allow Marty that same opportunity, please. Thanks for reading. God Bless.
While almost everyone who is intrigued by this story, such as myself, thinks they have heard the real story, they obviously could not because of all the small details that were left out from the book/movie. I can tell you I have been interested in this story ever since I first saw the movie about 3 or 4 years ago. The single detail that Kent attented Cooper City High School has driven me to learn more about the story due to the fact that I also attend the same school as he did. However, none of the faculty members there can "recall" that they have heard of any students like Bobby or his history at CCHS. I don't believe them, but that's just my opinion. I appreciate what you are doing, like setting up this webiste and letting people discuss what they have heard or learned from this terrible group of events that has occured.
It's really hard for me to feel bad for people who commit murder unless that person has no other way out. I understand that there may be extreme circumstances that led to it. The thing with Marty is, he had a way out and didn't take it. He didn't need to go to such drastic measures.
IMO Marty should never get out. People make their own choices. There is no doubt that Bobby was a turd but he didn't deserve to be killed the way he was.
Too many people got off easy in this case. Ali and Lisa got off way too easy. They both should be behind bars with the rest.
BTW Ali's MySpace page is back up again. She would never take it down for long because it takes away what she craves, attention.
I just want to say that I was on myspace for awhile and I was on Derek's blog. And whether or not anyone believes him or not, I do. Because he did admit things. He's not hiding anything. He tells us what happened in real life. And that the movie and book were fake. Think about it. How does the writer of the book know what people said to other people. How did the writer know where they went and all that stuff. I mean, "Based on a true story" means someone hears about something and turns it into whatever they want. Granted, Derek said the only truth to both of the things was the killing. But still. You guys cannot take the book and the movie as the bible. I mean, it's like a rumor. I'm sure everyone's had a rumor about them. It doesn't matter if it's real or not, it goes around. Honestly, all of us on here have never committed murder, but can we really judge? Are any of us saints? I mean we really shouldn't judge these people. Besides the 3 people who did the killing are still in prison. The other 3 were unfortuneatly there and didn't really realize what was going to happen. They admit they heard Lisa say "I'm gonna kill him" or whatever it was that she said, but think about it, haven't you ever been around someone that said that. You didn't take it personally. I'm glad the 3 of them took up myspace pages so they could tell the truth about alot of things. They won't deny anything. You ask them, and you will get answers. They will tell you where they went wrong. I congradulate them. And none of them are doing it for fame, or whatever it is. They are telling their story.
>> How does the writer of the book know what people said to other people. How did the writer know where they went and all that stuff.
It's called interviewing. It's what writers do when investigating true stories.
>> You guys cannot take the book and the movie as the bible.
I cant speak for the others, but I don't take them that way. Likewise, you shouldnt take someone's MySpace page as it either. It's not like Lisa Connelly is gonna post online "it was my idea to kill him", is it?
>> Honestly, all of us on here have never committed murder, but can we really judge? Are any of us saints? I mean we really shouldn't judge these people.
Uh huh ... if you are ever called for jury duty, do the country a favor and find a way to get out of it. See, they were judged by legal juries who came up with the same decision, and those juries were comprised of everyday people, just like the ones who post here. So that is a completely illogical argument (though it seems to be a very popular one with their "supporters", since you all end up saying it).
Oh, and by the way, you just "judged" them yourself. You made a decision about how you feel concerning this case, therefore that's a judgement on it. Yours just happens to fall in their favor. So welcome to the jury. :)
Always glad to read your responses. Just another individual who befriended a guy who likes to tell stories. I mean after all the "3" that committed the murder are still in jail. So anyone who took part, but didnt actually physically do the murder is OK! If I only helped hide the body, its really not part of the actual murder!!! Derek is nothing other than a guy who may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.....BUT.....He took part in taking another persons life and tried to hide it. His fat A** should be rotting in a prison cell! Please forgive me, because I am cretainly not a Saint! Who am I to judge? Im the person who everyone despises, until of course you are in trouble! Then your really glad to see me! Not when you have violated the law! I dont judge anyone for what they do, but I stand behind the sentences imposed by peers of the community. Just think, if a group of people broke into your home, and 2 people raped and killed your mother.....would you only fault the 2 involved or would you HATE all of them?
Its interesting reading all points of view on this story...yet how can anyone argue that their view is correct above others? Whether you know the victim, the attackers...you can dissect the story as much as you want to look for reasons, blame, blah blah...have your opinion but don't detract away from the fact that Bobby Kent was murdered...these people were responsible.
Bobby may not have been a charmer but he didn't kill anyone...They killed him. Brutally, even as he begged for his life. They were all a part of it even if they were hiding in the car...they plotted TOGETHER. They made their own choices, even with a little influence...they made their own decision as to the part they played that night. The fact they were there alone makes them guilty. They all heard him screaming, fighting til his last breath...they are guilty. One person alone could have been understood but a gang of them? seriously... If Bobby was so bad and raped, threatened them...why not do the obvious and report him to the police? why make murder the first option? An intricately planned murder no less.
Sorry people I just don't buy their explanations.
Regardless of whether the victim was a saint or a sinner in life...does that really make what happened right?
My life has been touched by violence and murder twice in my immediate family. And in one case, the victim was not a poster boy for charm. But he too, begged for his life. He begged to live another day. Many said he deserved it...but I know after going through the emotions over the years..he deserved to live. He was young like Bobby, made bad decisions and hurt people...he was shot 28 times in front of his family. He didn't deserve that...
Yes, I think both of you hit upon the bottom line that many of these "supporters" fail to grasp: it doesnt matter if Bobby was the biggest jerk on the planet. He didn't murder anyone. If he had, he would deserve to be in the same place that Marty Puccio is now. Being an asshole to others isnt a valid reason to have your life taken from you. If it was, most of Hollywood would be dead (not to mention most people on the internet). And if he was guilty of rape, then he should have been reported to the police. Maybe the "gang" was too worried about what such a report would have exposed about their own illegal activities.
Ive said it here before, and Ill say it again: Bobby Kent didnt impose himself into their group by force. He didnt ask to be there that night, he was reluctant to go, and they practically begged him. Ali was supposedly "raped" by him, and yet she had no problem offering her body to him (twice) in order to lure him out there. Was her sexuality something that she felt free to turn on and off like a water faucet?
These people seem to be soooo willing to make their smug little MySpace pages (hint: try Facebook, MS is becoming as redundant now as dial up), but none is willing to come to THIS forum and state their case, probably because they know that they might be asked some difficult questions in a forum that they can't censor down to only show the comments of their "supporters". Welcome to the real internet.
So what about it, Derek, Ali, Lisa, Heather? Obviously you have all visited this page, and just as obviously, it bothers you deeply that this forum exists. If you are so sure about the strength of your arguments in favor of killing Bobby Kent, and you are so willing to discuss them on the internet, why are you so afraid of doing it here? If the book was such a complete lie from start to finish, then enlighten us on what EXACTLY was fictional in it? If the author made it all up and presented it as fact as you claim, then why havent you sued him? And finally, my biggest question: why dont you stop passing the blame off to others, and just state that you were WRONG for participating in a murder, and that you regret your role in it? If you did that, maybe you wouldnt be "judged" anymore. If you cant see why you were wrong, then you shouldnt be running free.
Then again, maybe they have posted here already. Know what I mean?
Let me just add a couple more things here:
1) Youll notice that on my site, I am very strongly in support of Damien Echols and the "West Memphis Three", and if you go to the IMDB pages about the "Paradise Lost" films, youll see extreme vehemence between pro and anti WM3 people that makes what goes on here very mild in comparison. I gave up on posting to it because some of those people are downright EVIL in their hatred of the other side.
So if people think we are being "unfair" to the Bully murderers in saying that they didnt do enough time for their crimes, and that they dont show enough true remorse for it (therefore they dont deserve their freedoms in my opinion), and getting infuriated by people who try to argue that Kent somehow "deserved" to be murdered for being a jerk ... if they think that we are being overly mean to them, then those people should go see what people say about Echols on that IMDB message board. And he is STILL on death row to this day, and in real danger of being executed within the next couple of years, despite overwhelming evidence of their innocence in those child killings.
Puccio and Kaufman and Semenek all stabbed Bobby Kent to death in cold blood, and there's no doubt about that whatsoever. The others were all participants and conspirators in it, therefore they were all guilty of murder too, and Ali-Lisa-Derek-Heather should all count themselves DAMN fortunate that they are free, they dont have a fucking thing to complain about, and definitely nothing to be proud or arrogant about. They should hang their heads in shame whenever they talk about it, before they come even close to being forgiven of it. Derek was a gutless fat punk back then, and it sounds to me like he's still a fucking punk today. Post here and tell me different, Derek. I double dare you, boy.
You want to talk about miscarriages of justice, we can talk WM3, and Im all for them 100% and believe them innocent of the charges. However, I think that sympathy for the Bully killers is disgusting, especially when they make web pages with names like "the infamous Ali Willis". She's infamous all right, and with the kind of reprehensibly arrogant attitude indicated by that self-applied nickname, she should still be in prison (along with Lisa Marie Connelly). They are no better than one of Charlie's girls, and probably not even as good as most of them, since they finally saw the light and felt remorse for their sickening acts, and took personal responsibility for what they did and stopped blaming it all on Charlie, though he WAS a conspirator in it too, just as these four in this case WERE conspirators in the Bully murders and just as technically guilty of it as Manson, especially Lisa Connelly, who was sort of the "Charlie" of this pathetic group of losers.
So anytime you four want to post here and beg for sympathy, Ill be looking forward to hearing your rationale for it.
I am so sick and tired of insecure people taking out their frustration on others. We have all been bullied. Some kids have been bullied to the point of death. My heart goes out to them, but in this case, I find it hard to feel any sorrow for these 7 wasted teenagers even though I know what it feels like to be picked on on a daily basis.
These murderers were vindictive and despicable. There is no reason to take a life because we cannot give life. These selfish children robbed the life of someone they called a friend and we sit here lamenting on the fact that these kids were bullied instead of focusing on the underlining issues at hand: these children were promiscuous - embody the definition of sluts, were drug addicts, quite wasted and were behaving as if they had no future. And sure, parents can do so much and no more, but where were they when this murder was taking place in the morning? How did Lisa have access to her mother's gun? And yea, we shouldnt believe what the movie conveys but I surely hope that that conversation that Lisa had after the murder with Claudia was just a fictional scene. She was neither remorseful nor pensive of what she had just done. She had robbed a father's right to a son, a woman's right to a husband, a son's right to a father, a man's right to life. She helped to concoct a plan so evil and you expect us to feel sorry for her? Oh please. The only thing I am happy for and that I hope for is that the prison sentence opened her eyes to what life is...it's not something you simply give and take. And to think that SEVEN NOT ONE NOT TWO NOT THREE YOUNG ADULTS MURDERED ONE YOUNG MAN. Their motives are certainly not rational. If anything, I'll believe that Marty and Bobby were rough alike and because of their steoroid use both beat on each other for the simplest of things.
Furthermore, its not like these kids did not have any other alternatives. The possibilities are endless. But, what did they do - take a life. Seven bored children on a summers day, without anything to do, high on drugs, with oblivious parents, killed someone they called their friend. Not try to get a restraining order, not try to report the matter of abuse to anyone of authority. NO! They took a life in one of the most brutal manner.
There are no victims in this story; only self-absorbed, aggressive young adults. I hope they have turned their lives around, those who are still alive. And the "hitman", the "best friend" and the "wasted boyfriend" can stay in jail. We don't want those type of people in our society. Once you've done it, you can do it again; something especially that was strategically planned and something as serious as murder that can take alot out of you to do is not something you get over or erase from your system overnight.
R.I.P. Bobby Kent
And for those who are preaching karma, keep in mind that like our opinions, it is a philosophy. It is one that had originated in the Indian culture. While I do believ that for every action, there is an equal reaction, I don't think the reaction comes so long after 10 - 12 years (since he and Marty were friends since the third grade but Bobby was killed at the age of 20) as in Bobby's case, and that murder is a reasonable consequence for bullying. What about kids under the age of 5 who are killed by their parents? do they get what they sow? what about kids who die a few hours after being born? do they get what they sow? what about the seven year old boy in Jamaica who had his body cut in seven different pieces all because he refused to buy drugs when he was ordered by a 16 year old boy? Did he get what he sow? what about homeless people who search through garbage on a daily basis to sustain their lives but end up getting stoned and troubled? do they get what they sow? what about people you know who experience some painful difficulties or diseases? do they get what they sow? what about your family members, not in their old age as yet, that had died? do they get what they sow?
Sometimes things happen to open the eyes of those involved to something else, or to point us to an even bigger issue...what do you think is the case here...think on these things...
bigvolsfan76 said something about "true friends" but before you call them true friends, take note that two of these "true friends" testified against their "true friends", directed the police to the body and admitted what had happened in the entire murder. If it wasn't for those two, probably the police wouldn't have an extremely strong case against the others. I just wanted to make sure that you knew this in light of referring to all seven as "true friends"
Absolutely, St Mary. Very well stated, and I agree 100%.
First of all, Facebook is GREAT! Im totally into it now, and it's the best site on the internet, as far as Im concerned. Feel free to "friend" me there:
There is a Bully fan page located here:
and Derek Dzvirko is on FB too. He just posted to the Bully fan group (right above a recent posting of mine linking over to this page), and I responded to his posting with an invite to tell his story on this blog, so everyone please be polite if he posts here.
This is his page:
I couldnt help noticing that he is a fan of "Bully Beatdown". Nuff said, Ill let the irony of that speak for itself.
Im hoping to see your side of the story posted here or elsewhere, Derek.
Don Alex
aka Alexander
aka Subterranean Cinema
aka Cinema Virtualis
Saw the movie for the first time last night and go to looking up info. Been reading all the comments. Murder is murder doesn't matter if Bobby Kent was a bully or not. The only people who know what really happened are the murderers and of course they aren't going to talk about themselves in a bad light. We are left with reading books, court transcripts, interviews with family and friends to formulate our own opinions. There's a saying in spanish no se puede tapar el cielo con la mano. Anyway great blog.
Hey any comments on the James Bulger murderer who was sent back to jail.
Hey Don (SubCin)
I saw that Face book page but decided not to link to it because it isn't really anything interesting or new. I did notice that Dzvirko left a bullshit message about how 99% of us are idiots because we believe that the movie and book are so far from the truth. Well, I’ve studied enough of the case to know that all the basic facts are there and that’s a fact. Of course they did some embellishments on the movie as all true stories that are made into movies do. Otherwise it would be a pretty boring movie but usually they keep to the basic facts and that’s what I believe happened here too.
All Dzvirko says is it's all bullshit but he doesn't make any reference to what he thinks is untrue. Maybe he means that they made him out to be a fat douchbag and he's not happy with that part who knows. He’s welcome to come here and point out what he thinks are bullshit parts but there are going to be people here who know enough about the case that can and will call him on it if he's just blowing smoke. The invitation is open to all of them to post here though and I will make sure that nobody posts just to give them shit but they better be prepared to back up their words with facts because some of us do know most of them,
Anyway, last night after the movie aired there were 1,099 visits to the post according to the stats. So there is a lot of interest in the story out there and some of them spend hours going over everything here.
P.S. Any news on possum ? He must have registered by now because I think they only have a day or two to get it done. At least we'll know where he's living now that the old place is not an option.
Ahh, Possum, LOL!!! I just did a search on there, I couldnt find him yet but there is a group on there called "Stevie Snake Fielding Didnt Do It", run by people who purport to be in touch with him. Join up and read that one for further info, and keep an eye on the friends lists of the people in that group, if he joins up, Im sure they will be some of the first that he will send friend invites to.
Here's a link to youtube, the account holder has the 5 clips in the episode- this is the first clip, the subsequent clips can be found on the right-hand side (episode 121, parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
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